Chapter 24- Sand

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Lucy's POV

It was a long plane ride. As I got up, my legs felt like jello. I stretched my long arms, and started to walk towards the exit. My left leg fell asleep and was now waking up. It made me walk weirdly, with almost a limp.

I limped my way off the plane and was surprised by what I saw. I was expecting to see a small civilization. Maybe an airport and a small town. I was not expecting an airport, one road, and a whole bunch of sand. Surely there should a town somewhere here?

I have to admit that I have would have expected sand, and desert. But this was ridiculous. There is not even a town in site. All I could mostly see for miles on end was sand.

"I think that we have a problem," I told Evan.

"And what's that?" he asked. He asked the question as if he honestly did not see any problem with the situation.

"There is sand for miles!" I exclaimed.

I glared at him. How could he plan a trip and not know where he was going to land? That is the most irresponsible thing I have seen him do yet.

"Yeah, there's a secret place not far from here," He said, as if it was obvious. Of course, why didn't I think of that! (sarcasm).

If I am going to a secret place that they don't know yet, then where are they going? They can't just walk to the nearest town. Surely they die of dehydration first. Which reminds me...

"We don't have enough water. I wasn't planning on this," I said.

"Well, I brought a three litre bottle of water just for me. Sucks for you!" he said as he started walking.

He brought a three litre bottle of water? Does he even need water? I am assuming that his kind originated here. If that is so, then he could probably go a long time without water. How long is this walk of his?

I was about to ask him when I noticed that I stopped and he was way ahead of me. I ran to catch up with him. When I got there he smirked at me and put his arm that wasn't carrying water on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it babe. This water is mostly for you. And you might not want to run, you dehydrate faster," he said simply.

"Okay," I said as we walked side by side.

Before we were out of site, I looked back at the airport. This may be the last time that I see it. I do not know what is going to happen in this desert. I was about to turn my head back, when I noticed something.

Someone was waving at my general direction. There was no one in site that the person could have been waving at. I waved back, and they kept waving. So obviously they were not waving at me. A vehicle pulled up beside the person. The person put their luggage in the back and got in the vehicle.

This sand must be already reaching my head. This is going to be a long walk. I am already hallucinating.

"Care to explain where exactly we are going?" I asked him.

" We are finding a camel. Two to be exact," He told me.

Camel? How does he expect a camel to in the middle of the desert? He is magical, but there is no way that he is just going to pull a camel out of thin air.

"How are you planning on doing that magic man?" I asked.

"I got someone to leave a couple of camels in a certain spot. To answer your next question they will stay there. Trust me. Now will you stop!" he exclaimed.

I laughed. He gets frustrated easy. I nudged him in the side. This also usually bugs him. I'm surprised that he can put up with me.

"Am I going to meet your family?" I asked.

He turned his head quickly in my direction, then turned back. It was obvious that he was trying hard to not flip out on me. In my defence, it's a good question. I have no idea what his family would be like. Do they like other types? What if they don't like witches?

So many questions popped into my head. Most of them containing his family. I should have been think about survival. I have a funny feeling that he is not telling everything. Like there is this large part that I am missing.

I tried to think about what that might be. Maybe his family could have special powers that I don't know about. Maybee... Maybe we are going to this secret place that I do not know. Maybe I should keep my eyes open for anything new, that I do not recognize.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, at some what of a lost.

What did I think was going to happen? He is trying to trick me in some way.

"You know, I'm going back. This thing isn't for me," I told him as I started to head the other way.

I started walking, but was violently pulled the other way. I looked back, and saw his hands around my wrists. I yanked, but he wouldn't let go.

"Let Go!" I yelled.

"You have no idea where you're going. I have the water also," he told me.

I do know where I'm going. There are little markers that tell me where I am going. I can also tell by the sun. We were heading west the whole time. I need to go south.

"I don't care. I know what I want, now let go!" I exclaimed.

He still didn't let go. I stopped struggling for a bit. I studied his face. His face was serious. It looks as if he was debating on if he was going to tell me something.

"Spit it out," I told him.

He tugged on my arm, and didn't say anything.

"What happened to you? You use to be so nice. A gentleman even. Let go of me please," I said.

He shook his head.

With a sudden burst of anger, I stomped on his foot. He fell to the ground in pain. I started to run, but fell to the ground abruptly. He had my ankle in his hands. I gave him a swift kick to the shoulder. As I got up, I heard curses from behind me. I ran, but was not quick enough. He put me in a head lock.

"Why?" I asked him, squirming.

"Don't piss off you king!" he demanded.

"Your what!?" I choked out.

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