Chapter 11- Flash Back

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James/Jocks POV

What did I just do? How do I keep getting myself in trouble like this? First I tell her our secret, then I shove her in the pond, and leave her without a ride. If there was a book written on how not  to do things, I think it would be based on me. Sigh.

Should I go back and get her? I do not think I could do that. If I go back I know I will tell her what that was all about. I can't just send one of my friends, they will want to know what that was all about. I cannot afford questions. The last time someone asked questions, it didn't turn out so well for both of us.

I was riding on my horse. It was when I was still normal. Or human I should say. I was enjoying the scenery. There was really nothing to do today, I had done all of my duties for the day. So I patrolled the country side. No one had asked me to do this, I just did.

There was people from different lands, and strange lands, coming and invading our town. They viciously attacked anyone they saw. Often females from the age six to twenty five. Most do not carry around weapons, althought, the king said many times that it is necessary. They do not believe in violence. I do not know why. Most say that it is because of their religion. God will protect us. Whatever happens is meant to happen. God is not going to stop someone from stabbing you with a dagger.

It is very violent times. Girls get rapped on the streets. No one helps them. They fear if they get help the poor women, then they will be attacked next. Some times even men. Some of the women in this town are monsterous. They can almost pick up a carriage. I consider myself a strong man, but I am too weak to do that. These carriages are made of heavy material. One women lifted a carriage off of a little boy. How the boy got there, I will never know.

I heard a faint russling of bushes, but ignored it. There is a ton of animals in this forest. A person would go mad if they worried about every rustling.  I have a dagger with me. I can take care of animal that comes my way. No matter what the size. Besides, what could there possibly be in this small forest. I do not really believe in fairy tales. The only supernatural creature that I have ever saw is Ritianna and myself.  Evil witch, or Thoratomian if you want to be exact. There are no such things as witches.

I heard the rustling again. This time it was much closer and louder. It sounded larger then most animals. I heard a soft whimper. I tried to follow where it was coming from. It was deep in the forest where most people do not go. If someone was there, they must be in a lot of trouble because no one ever goes in there. Everyone has fear that they will not come back.

Since I do not believe in such foolishness, I went in anyway. The forest was darker than the heart of a criminal. It was more evil, than black. Something about this forest screams sinister. Like it could swallow you up.

As I looked down, I saw a golden ring. No one has golden rings these days unless you are very well off. The king himself does not have much gold. This person must be in the wrong end of town. No rich person would be caught dead on this end of town, unless finding slaves. Not even to talk to a friend. The people on the poorer end of town are looked down on. If a person who was well off went to the bad end of town, they were also looked down on. I have been looked down on since I was born. No one believes in helping other people, because then you must have a death wish. People here mind their own business when it comes to crime. When it comes to ruthless whispers in the wind, everyone passes them around.

I went into the little path more. The cries were getting louder. I followed the cries until I found an elegant lady, who's dress is torn up. She looks like a disaster. Her soft brown silky hair was tanlged and a mess. Her tight gorgous blue dress had rips and tears all over it. through the tears, I could see her bodice. She had soft green eyes.  On top of her, is what looks like a mountain lion. Well that's what it looks like to most people. But I am not fooled, I know that is a tretched Thoratomian. They have been terrorizing the town for centeries now, or so I have heard.

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