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•September 21, 2016•

Sitting in my living room, I flex my fingers to get the stiffness out of them while I listen to Sal talk to Republic about my new song dropping later tonight. I should be excited about the start of my new era but I just feel numb.

It's then Wesley sits next to me with some pain killers. When I punched the wall, I broke two knuckles on my left hand and I didn't realize it until they were swollen making it hard to move my fingers. Lamar and Wesley had to take me to the hospital where they taped two of my fingers together.

"Thanks" I accept them along with the bottle of water.

"You hungry?"

"Not really" I answer.

"It's been three days, you have to eat" she tells me taking the water bottle back to open it for me.

Since Nava was taken, Wesley has been helping me out and although I appreciate it, I wish she'd stop. She never leaves me alone, she even took up one of the guest bedrooms and I guess I get it, she doesn't want to be alone in Nava's apartment but that's what Lamar is for.

"Here, take your medicine" she holds out the bottle.

A deep sigh, I toss the pills back then take the bottle for a quick drink.

"There. I'm gonna make you something to eat. You have a big night tonight." She stands up.


"Go take a shower, Abel. It'll be ready when you get out" she heads for the kitchen and I roll my eyes when Sal sits next to me.

"Calm down, she's just being helpful."

"It's weird"

"Yeah but I get it though, you're the closest thing she has to Nava; she lost her too. She probably doesn't want to be alone"

"But I do"

"I'm sure she knows that. That's why she's here" Sal takes my shoulder. "We're going to find her, we have people searching from here all the way to Seattle"

"It's been a week. What if we're too late" I mumble.

"You can't think like that" Sal squeezes my shoulder. "She's a strong girl and I don't think she was taken for that"

"I still don't know what I'm gonna tell her mom."

"You have to tell her the truth, Abel. She deserves to know about her daughter. I'm sure you understand that"

Of course I do. I'm scared to death for my baby and I think that's why I can't talk to her. I made her a promise and I wasn't able to keep it.

Shaking my head, I move to get up. "I better go take a shower before Wesley comes back in here"

"Wanna come over for the song drop? We can grill out and just chill. Maybe play some pool, or basketball, or something" Sal offers.

"Yeah. Sure." I turn to walk around the couch not really caring.

Upstairs, I make my way to the guest room I've been using. Although my room has since been cleaned up, I can't sleep in there; not that I've been getting much sleep anyway. Most nights I just lay in bed with Thursday wondering where she is and if she's safe. I hope she knows I'm coming for her.

Book Two: AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now