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Listening to Lost in Paradise by Evanescence, I finish up my hour walk on the treadmill in our home gym. On the days I don't have physical therapy, I've been instructed to walk for an hour to help strengthen my leg muscles. Personally, I hate it, I'm not gym savvy like Abel is. He was actually more excited the house even came with a gym than I was.

Humming along to the chorus now, I glance up when I see something move from the corner of my eye and I see Dominic finally showed up.

"Hi" I smile taking my ear phone out.

"Hey. Having fun?" He comes to lean against the wall with his arms crossed.

"No I'm not but I'm almost done so that's the good thing"

"Walking is healthy ya know. Helps clear the mind so you're able to think rationally"

"You said you'd teach me" I say knowing where this is going.

"And I will, I just have questions. Concerns."

"What so... you think me asking for self-defense lessons is me not thinking rationally, Nic?" I wonder taking a swig from my water bottle.

"I think you asking to learn how to use a deadly weapon is not very rational after everything you've been through"

"What do you think I'm gonna do exactly?"

"Must be something since you don't want Abel to know about this"

"Something like what? You act like I have enemies" I roll my eyes.

Staring at me for a second he moves so he's leaning back against the wall now. "I'm not saying that I'm just curious what's going on. I know I haven't been your shadow long but I can tell you're going through something personal. If you want my help you have to be honest with me and trust I'm not gonna judge you. Think of me as an extension of Abel in a way"

Slowing the treadmill down until it stops, I step off swiping my hand over my forehead, "I trust you. That's why I'm asking you to teach me how to defend myself, so you don't have to worry about me too much"



"I'm sorry?"

"My name is Nava" I tell him turning for the door to head into the main room of the basement to take a much-needed seat. "Like I said, I do trust you... to at least look out for me but that's not enough"

"All right, Nava, what's going on?" he follows taking a seat beside me while I take another drink from my water bottle.

Staring at the floor, I anxiously shake my foot shaking my head, "I don't know, just feels like I need to learn how to protect myself. That accident really opened my eyes, it's so easy to die. I mean you were right behind me... and I still almost died." Silence falling between us, I take that moment to say, "I don't blame you for what happened but also... I can't depend on you"

"You think things would have turned out differently if you knew how to use a gun? Neither of us saw that car coming. If I had I would have gotten you out the way"

That makes me look at him, "How?"

"I would have rammed you from behind forcing you forward"

"I still would have gotten hurt"

"A broken leg yeah but you wouldn't have had to go into a coma, and you'd still be-" he pauses there even though I can tell what he was going to say. "What I'm saying is if I had had the chance to protect you, the damage wouldn't have been as bad"

Listening I gnaw on my lip hearing he feels guilty for what happened which he shouldn't. Accidents happen all the time.

"It's not your fault, Nic. Everything happens for a reason right" I force a smile and he frowns though I ignore it not needing his pity. "So you gonna give me my first lesson or not? Abel's meeting isn't going to last forever"

Book Two: AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now