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Walking down the sidewalk, Abel and I enjoy the scenery while we make our way to an ice cream shop Abel knows about.

After we woke up from our nap, we decided to order take out and watch a movie. Once the movie ended I got a bad craving for something sweet, I didn't care what it was, so Abel suggested a place called Sundaes and Cones that is a couple blocks away.

His hand in mine, we walk at a leisure pace while I watch the store windows pass us by.

"I think I'd like to live here one day"

"Really? What about LAP?"

"There's an office here" I let him know.

"Of course there is" he rolls his eyes.

"Yep." I giggle. "It's called New York Professions though. And if I did transfer I probably wouldn't be doing the same job"

"Do you really enjoy doing reviews?"

"I mean it's not my dream job but I still get to write about something so I'm not complaining" I shrug.

"What's your dream job?" He wonders as we come up on a cross walk that tells us to stop.

"To be an author. Write books people can get lost in to escape the world for a while"

"Then write a book and get it published" he states.

"That's easier said than done. A book takes a lot of planning, and writing, and revising, and editing. Some books take years to come together and some fall apart"

"Sounds like you're scared" he notes and I scrunch my face up just as the walk sigh turns green.

"I'm not scared. It just takes a lot of work is all"

"Everything takes work but it's all worth it in the end, right? You just have to try"

"Yeah. I suppose." I mumble.

"Writing books is almost similar to dropping albums. I never know if people are going to like my music. Most don't but that doesn't stop me. It's something I have to deal with, we all do"

"I guess you're right" I nod.

Finally making it to the shop a little while later, we get ice cream cups to go and I try not to mind the lady eyeing us as she makes our orders when Abel takes hold of me from behind to kiss on my shoulder.

I'm sure we're going to be attracting a lot of attention from now on.

Our ice cream cups in hand, Abel and I leave the shop and head back home.

"She was staring" I say digging into my chocolate vanilla swirl.

"I know. Did it bother you?"

"A little. How did you get used to the staring?"

"I started ignoring them. Eventually I stopped noticing them all together"


Finished with our ice cream and almost home, a small group stops us to ask Abel for a picture that he almost declines but I accept before he can offering to take the picture for them.

When I've taken a few shots, I hand the boy his phone back as Abel wishes the group a goodnight and our fingers laced, we continue on our way.

Back home, Abel suddenly pulls me into his arms to pick me up and spin me around making me laugh.

"God, I missed that sound" he holds me close.

"And I missed being in your arms" I tell him and with a shy smile he leans in to kiss me.

Book Two: AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now