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•September 22, 2016•

In my media room, I lay on the couch sipping on some Henny while After Hours plays in the background. Not paying it any real attention, I stare at Nava's ring flipping it back and forth between my fingers.

When she first mentioned that she not wear her ring when she goes to work, I was actually offended she'd even consider the idea. Now I'm glad she suggested it because it's been around my neck ever since she went missing. I can't wait for the day I can slip it back on her finger where it belongs.

Another sip of my drink, I hear a knock on the door before it opens. "Hey, thought I'd find you in here" Wesley comes in to sit on the ottoman in front of me.

"Hey" I raise my glass in acknowledgment while I tuck Nava's ring back under my shirt.

"Don't you think you've had enough to drink?" She picks up my empty bottle.

"Why? Do I smell like alcohol?" I smell myself and see nothing wrong.

"No" she hits my shoulder. "You know you really had me worried last night"

"You couldn't have been that worried" I recall walking in on her and Lamar sleeping on the couch. "Are you two back together?" I look at her.

"No. He was just worried about me is all and didn't want to leave me alone since you weren't here."

"Oh. Do you want to?"

"Did he ask you to ask me that?" She almost smiles.

"No, I'm genuinely curious. What you do is up to you" I finally sit up.

"Well... don't worry about it. I just came up here to see if you wanna eat, I made veggie stir-fry"

"Veggie stir-fry?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I was in the mood for something light tonight." She shrugs.

"Um... yeah sure. That sounds nice" I accept. I'm actually pretty hungry today.

"Wait, really?" Her eyes widen.

"Yeah" I smile.

A big smile she jumps up. "Fantastic, I'll make us bowels and we'll watch Game Of Thrones, okay?"

"Sounds good, Wes. And uh, I really appreciate you being here for me" I tell her honestly.

"Of course, I love you too."


"In a platonic way" she quickly puts her hands up. "We're like family now and you love your family don't you?"

Understanding what she means I tip my head, "Oh... yeah, I guess we are family now"

"Yeah. So I'll see you down stairs" she turns to leave.

Once she's gone I throw back the last of my drink and that's when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Pulling it out I see Nina replied to my last message from earlier this morning. I may have ended up drunk texting her after I got a couple shots in me last night. I don't remember what I said specifically but I know we talked for a long time.

Nina} am I still expecting you?
7:27 PM Sep 22, 2016

Staring at her message for a few seconds I pull up my keyboard.

Me} yeah. be there around 11
7:28 PM Sep 22, 2016

I do remember I told her I wanted to see her. But not for the reason she may think. I want her help.

Book Two: AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now