Part 16

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Stepping out I take August's waiting hand, as a huge grin splits his face in two. I try and hide away my smile, but it slightly surfaces, just enough so that August sees. He pulls me toward him, winding one of his arms around the arch of my back. He ushers me toward the door, and I lead us out. There is a slight breeze in the Spring air, I zip up my sweater and wait for him at the bottom of my stairs.

"Alright let's get this over with. " I say exasperated.

"Come on lighten up a bit Nic-"

"Miss, thats Miss Maraj to you. And I said let's get this over with. " I said walking away.

"You don't even know where we going! Ayo, Miss Maraj slow down, damn." I heard him say behind me. I slowed down so he could catch up, looking around my driveway.

Funny, I always ride out through here, but I never noticed how,

"Beautiful, yeah, I know. I like your taste in flowers, they're very pretty. Much like yourself. " he said, smiling down at me. His white teeth gleamed in the sunlight, making his white teeth, and white outfit more sparkly. I looked away and at some tulips in my direction.

" Flattering will get you no where with me. Show me what it is that you want and I will be on my way." Never turning my attention back to him, I heard his sigh.

We walked for a couple blocks after we left my house. We passed fans, who would secretly snap pictures at us, and the occasional girl smiling hardly at August. There were the gasps of guys, and whistles, and I felt August presence near me with each whistle. There was a growing sense of awkwardness that wouldn't, despite our efforts, leave. We continued our walk in silence, until we reached a old burger joint. The doors were barely able to open, and the windows, more like the boards, had holes in them. The only ray of sun, we're the holes in the boards. I looked up at August who just walked inside, like it was a second home.

"Hey Aug, long time no see?!" said the black man behind the counter. His arms dangled from the counter, and his smile was genuine. I looked up at August, and he wore the same smile as the man.

"What it do Uncle Q? Man it's been a minute since I been up in here. But aye, a young nigga hungry, could you get the misses and I some right quick?" he said while rubbing his stomach and looking down at me. I smiled up, then looked away as soon as I looked up.

"Sure thing Aug!" he said while heading into the kitchen. "Hey," he yelled before he went into the kitchen. "it's on the house!"

"Naw, Unc I got you. Now gone man, don't play me like that." August said waving him away.

"So, that's your Uncle?" I asked once we were alone and sitting at a table.

"Yeah, we go way back. He used to take care of me and moms and lil bro. He means a lot to me, i been trying to give back to the community, so I'm gonna start by fixing up his shack, then I want to build a playground and shit. Just for the lil chillens." he said, causing us both to laugh at his accent.

"Such a philanthropist." I said to him. He nodded at me, then shrugged his shoulders.

~~~~1 Hour Later~~~~

August and I were walking to a nearby park, before we left he had wrote a check for 10 thousand dollars to his uncle. I never seen him so happy before. His uncle kept trying to protest, but he ended up taking it. We sat down, side by side, on a wodden bench. August draped one of his arms behind the bench and stretched out next to me. He hasn't gotten close to me now that I think about, not since we were at the house. Maybe he is changing just for you? I thought to myself. I smirked, and almost laughed, at the thought of August changing himself for me. Would he ever even think about doing that?


What do you guys think, do you think August would ever change himself for Nicki? Comment and vote

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