Part 20

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Hey yall I hope you guys enjoy the chappie, and comment on your favorite parts in it, and also vote. Don't be afraid to share this either. It seems like yall going ghost on me, don't be that. Then I'm going to have to stop making parts, I need yall to support ya know. Well enough of that, ENJOY!

Wait, wait, wait! Why am I stressing out over August? We not even together! I don't like him what so ever! He isn't my type anyway, we just friends and he was concerned that's all this is. And the reason for my suit is because I want to look nice, I'm Nicki fucking Minaj! Yeah that's all this is.

I go downstairs and see a giant vase filled with all types of flowers ever thought of. Only August, only him. I walk toward them and see there was a note, I didn't want to read it yet I was gonna wait til we got to dinner, and then remind him how corny the note was. I chuckle to myself and go into the kitchen and get a couple of ingredients out of the fridge.

I have to finish up on my album so when I was done eating I was gonna swing by my studio and see how it's coming along, maybe record a song or two then go to dinner with August. Never stop grinding what so ever, it's all for my fans man.

I finish making my salad and go get my phone because it was ringing.

"Hello?" I talk into the phone.

"Hey Nic, you ok? I heard about your little car crash and stuff, you alright baby girl?" I heard Rih's say with her island accent.

"Hey Rih, I'm good boo. I just got into a little crash, my car and the other person's car is going to be good. How you doing?"

"Good, I'm coming by this weekend alright. SO make no plans for it will be girls night out. Now I gotta go baby so be safe Love you bye." then she hung up, not giving me a chance to interrupt. She don't know, I might be busy this damn weekend dammit!

I put my phone on the counter and finish off my salad. Putting on a crop top, jeans and my Adidas I roll out and go to the studio to cut a couple tracks. Driving to the studio, all I keep hearing is August. It was starting to get annoying. I turned the music off and just sat and drove silently to the studio.


"Yo how bout you redo that last verse, and then we can choose from the better ones aight?"

"Aight cool, Nic whenever you ready."

"You like it don't ya?! SNITCHES! Young Money!"

I stepped out the booth and sat by my producer and fixed up the track. For some reason I couldn't get August and our stupid date out of my head, it was becoming irritating. I couldn't think straight even in the booth, all I could think about was his stupid cheeky smile. And how his dimples always showed whenever he really smiled, and how adorbs his tattoos are.

"Hey Big, I'mma just go home, we can finish up sometime this week." I told the heavy man in the chair. He nodded and began to shut down the equipment.

"Aye Nicki, something wrong? You seem so off in the booth man. Like you need to vent or some shit?" he asked turning around in his seat to face me.

"Naw Big, it's nothing. I'm just a little shaken up from the accident man, that's it." I lied.

"Aight, well I hope you feel better. Oh and I heard that the lady in the accident is having a speedy recovery. Don't worry about it alright? Go home and rest up."

I nodded to him and left out of the studio. I checked my time and seen that it was almost 5. I started up the engine and started the drive home, keeping my mind clear this time.

I made it home at 5:20 and got in the shower, and blasted the music so that I can be happy before I left. When I exited the shower, I seen another small vase with roses and another note, I smiled and just put it back down. My jumpsuit was placed on the bed, and my shoes were already picked out. I slipped into the jumpsuit and then placed my hair in a high ponytail. My makeup was very low, not all bright and shit, just the basics.

I heard a honk downstairs and seen August at the bottom of the stairs with a cheeky smile, as usual.

"Hey Mama, how ya feelin?" he asked when I reached the bottom steps.

"I'm feeling fine August thank you, and for both of those corny notes, man you a trip!" I said walking into the kitchen to grab my phone.

"Both? I only sent one, and it was not corny! My note was very sweet of me, and I shouldn't have!" he said following me into the kitchen. I stared at him for a minute.

"When did you send the flowers?" I asked a little panicked.

"While you were sleep, and they were delivered by yours truly." he said taking a little bow.

"SO you didn't give me any small vase of flowers in my room while I was in the shower?" I said stepping closer, and growing more scared.

"Naw, shit if I knew you was in the shower I-"

"AUGUST! I'm serious! Someone was in my house."

"Who was it then?" he asked sounding concerned.

"I don't know." I said walking past him and running up the stairs into my room. I grabbed the note and read it.

"Nicki," it read. "I hope you get well baby girl. I miss you, and I know you miss me too. Call me some time, I know you still have my number. Love You, Safaree."

I dropped the card and almost broke down in tears right on the spot.

"Nicki who was it?" I heard August ask from behind me.

"My ex....Safaree."


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