Part 13

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When I woke up in the morning, I had to get ready cause my trainer would yell at me if I was late. I rushed out the shower and got my work out clothes on and left. When I got there he was waiting in the room that we were assained. He smirked at me and stood up from off the floor and walked me over to the weights and handed me 25 lbs and walked away. He returned with a yoga mat and unrolled it.

"What we doing today, since you can't speak," I said dropping the weights next to the mat. He smiled at me and continued to grab stuff. When he was done I was around a big ball, a yoga mat, 25 lbs weights, some stretchy bands, and him.

"Now for today, we are going to make hoes even more jealous by making your butt just a tad bit bigger than what it is now." he said rubbing his hands together and checking me out quickly.

***30 minutes later***

"5 more and we take a quick 15 minute break." he said holding gently onto my hips and squatting down a little with me. I nodded and did the 5 and fell foward onto the yoga mat.

"What's wrong cupcake?" he said gently kicking me. I groaned didn't say anything. "Nic, seriously what's up you seem out of it today. What's up?" he said squatting down in front of me.

"Why do people always think I'm out of stuff, when in reality I'm not out of anything but.." I said trailing off.

"Out of what," he said sitting in front of me. I looked up and seen his dick literally in my face, and sat up quickly. I shook my head and looked down at my feet. "What is wroonnngg?" he whined, laying down looking up at me.

"I don't have anything on my mind honestly. I just am so overwhelmed by my music, with my album coming out, and the tour coming up, and not having anyone to really ever look me in my face and say you're doing amazing, and hold me. Ya know?" I said looking down at him and resting my arms on my knees.

"Look, there is someone out there and they are rooting for you. I know I am, I wouldn't be trying to make you look so damn good if I wasn't rooting for you. I know it's getting tough, but stick it out. For me baby girl." he said looking at me with a puppy dog face.

"I guess," I said slightly blushing.

"And," he said while sitting up and looking at me. "You're doing amazing," he said while grabbing my face and pulled me into a tight warm embrace. I wrapped my arms around his lower backand smiled in his shirt.

"Thank you Tray," I said as he helped me up.

***3 hours later***

"Come on Nicki, push, push, push!" Tray said while I pushed the leg weight. I relaxed and wiped my forehead with my towel that was beside me. I sat up and looked at him, and he was smiling and I didn't know why.

"What?" I asked while gulping down my water.

"Let's go out, to dinner, tomorrow night. I mean you worked your ass off, no pun intended. And you deserve it." he said while walking me to the door. I smiled and thought for a minute and agreed.

"Great I will be there at 8," he said as he opened the door, and gave me a hug and we pecked each other on the cheek.

***Next NIght***

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked really nice in the dress. I felt great and looked like it too. What ever Tray did yesterday, it made my ass look outstanding in this dress. I smiled at myself and applied my last coat of lip gloss, and went down the stairs and walked to my door. And who the hell do you think had the nerve to show up at my door?

"August, what do you want? I already finished the verse and handed it to your manager, we have nothing that we have to ta-"

"I'm sorry Nicki, I shouldn't have pestered you like that. I got to comfortable in your home, and with you. I wanted to come over and apologize." he said while walking closer to me and handing me a single rose.

"I do accept your apology, but I have somewhere to be right now. I'll call you when I get the time." I said swiftly walking by him, and opening the door. He nodded and walked towards it and I seen him get in his car and pull off.


Was Nicki too hard on August? And I need you guys to pick a guy to be Nicki's trainer. Comment 'D' or 'T' for the trainer you want.

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