Part 4

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He closed the door lightly, letting it silently click. " Yeah I did, Wayne said that we needed to talk. Or that you wanted to talk? I don't know?" I said smiling down at the floor, brushing hair out of my face. Why was I acting like a high school girl? You are Nicki Minaj, he should be thankful that I even took his lil "appointment".

" Well we do, its about your verse in 'No Love'." he said ushering me to sit in a black patten leather seat, while he sat behind a gorgeous mahogany wood desk, in the same exact chair. "I just feel like," he began while grabbing a bottle of water for himself and I from his mini fridge behind his desk. "You were holding back in the booth." he continued while pushing me the water over his desk.

"What would I be holding back on, if anything at all?" I asked while opening the water.

" I, don't know. That's why I'm asking you," he said, leaning back in his seat. Looking all the more at ease, as if this whole damn situation fell all on me.

"Well Mr. August, I don't know what to tell you. Cause I worked my ass off on that verse, and for you to sit here in my face and say I didn't is very disrespectful. Now if you no longer wish to work with my services by all means don't 'beat around the bush', just come straight out and tell me." I said. The room fell awfully quiet, giving off an awkward vibe as the silence began to settle in. No words were spoken for what felt like forever, until August finally broke the silence.

"I do wish to continue our business that we have established. I am not saying that your verse sucks, I am saying it seems like you were...distanced. That's all, like you had something on your mind. And it must have bothered you so much that, it began to affect your music. Now if you need a friend to talk to, please give me a call." he said smirking at me, while writing down his number on the back of a business card. He handed me the card, making me clasp it in my hand as his clasped around mine. "Now, I must go. I business to attend to." he said while walking me towards the door. I reached for the knob at the same time as him, causing our hands to meet. I turned the knob, while his hand still rested upon mine. He pulled open the door, and I began to walk out.

"I will call you tomorrow," I said while holding up his card. "In case I have to speak with you, and you not send Wayne into my house." I said while giving a faint smile. He chuckled, and nodded his head. "Alright, later," I said awkwardly while holding up my hand. He reached out for it, placing his pink lips upon my hand. The feeling, and sensation I felt trickled up and down my spine. He released and gave me a wink before I turned and walked away, down the cozy, carpeted corridor.


HI!! To all my new readers hello, and welcome to my love for Nicki and August! Um, to my readers who are into my Dwicki series, the their Dwicki is out. To all my new readers, I love you. All my old readers I love you. And I love you too!

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