the end

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Heyoooo, so this is officially the end of the story... Not really, I still have two or three bonus chapters, they will be released soon;)
But orjdhdbdbdb.
I can not believe it, I finished my third story, this story means so much to me and it was short but it was hell. I wrote it and it was a bit similar to imperfect, but this is a bit of someone who had grown and went through some hardships, this isn't perfect but I can not help but feel like it's a part of me. I put so much into this story more than the stories that I had been writing and it's enough to say that I am happy that it ended but I would miss coming back home to write it, but we all have to move on.
I tried to make it as realistic as possible and it might(or sure) it slipped from a place or another. It's safe that I'm proud of this story for some unknown reason.
I don't know what else to say except thank you to my best friend Tswwizzlle13 for reading this before being posted and being my biggest support, I love you.

Now, this is the end of my author's note.
See you in an another story.

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