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Its been already 2 weeks since Up started working. Throughout these days he learned lots of new things and what work he needed to do. Everyone around him helped him, specially Noppakao.

He also got to know from past few days that Noppakao is one of the most respected worker and mostly brings out one of the best ideas for company. In terms of it no one can beat him.

Up really envied Kao. He always used to focus on him during his free times. As if why? Just because he was the first person whom he talked to in company. 

There was also a little more greed that Up had, he wanted to know more about Kao other than work, just because he seemed sexy to him from first galanced.

As of Up being a total extrovert one day asked Kao out for dinner after work, saying its just a meal after work. As if Kao really didnt mind much he said Yes ofcourse. 

It was better for Kao to have dinner with someone rather eating alone. He must admit he is having a meal with someone after long time.

So after work they went to have dinner together. Sat on table and ordered the food. While waiting for food. It was Up's chance to get to know more about the handsome man sitting in front.

"So, What are your hobbies?" Maybe a lame question but that only blurted out from Up's mouth at that moment because when he said "So" Kao looked towards him very intensely. Which Up couldn't take well.

Kao just giggled a bit and told about his interests, knowing well that what really his coworker wanted to know.

That night Up thought that his bonding with Kao surely increased. They talked about whatever topic they could. But it was mostly Up speaking.

They shared their numbers and social media. Not much pictures Up could get of Kao. Only one that was also as his profile picture. According tp Up he rather looked cute in sweatshirt than he looked sexy in suit.

Next day came. Up was in jolly mood since it was going to be his first meeting and his first presentation of his first work. Nervousness? Up never heard of that word.

Well everyone surely found Up's idea really impressive something they were not expecting from newbie. But there was certain someone who was more hysterical that was Kao. Because for first time after long, someone else's idea was getting more praise than his. Jealousy was it?

"Congratulations Nong'Up" He shakes hand with Up

"Nong?, oh thank you Pphhi'Kaaoo.."

"Surely we can call each other Phi Nong i thought we were much close" saying that Kao left from there.

Leaving Up in a total bliss mood. Because he was from days thinking that he was close to Kao not really hoping that Kao thinks same. So now knowing Kao also feels same makes him feel some ways. The feels he cant explain for now.


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