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Kao agreed to stay at UP's house since there was no other option now. Or Maybe he didn't wanted to find out other options.

Up gave Kao one of his night suits to change in and honestly according to him Kao looked so good wearing that Dark Blue satin night suit like he is just going to do a photoshoot for advertising it.

And here was Up wearing his cute white pyjamas with bunnies and carrots printed on it.

They both got into bed together. Well no one ever disagree to sleep together it would be like a total cliche dramas then. But surely Up gave Kao another Comforter, he is not going to share his. What if he ends up taking all of it at middle of night and Kao freezes to death?

They both ended up Sleeping as they were tierd. Both of their backs almost meeting each others. Just divided by their comforters.

It was already morning. Up woke and saw Kao working on something. Even though Up woke up in time Kao was surely early riser than him.

From past few weeks, Kao's ideas were lot better and Improved than UP's and usually Up used to Envy Kao how he could think much more better than him.

They went to work together. Kao wearing one of Up's hoodies.

"You look cute in my hoodie phi."

"Do I really?"

"Yes phi, I want to squish your cheeks sometimes." Up eyes widened when he realised what he said

"You can if you want though Nong" Kao said while laughing.

Up heart beat rose, he slowly put his hands on Kao's cheeks, they were soft he could feel his skin texture properly. He slowly squished his cheek. We don't know about Kao but Up was surely a blushing Mess.

Kao just smiled and head towards his car. Up went into his own Car. That's how their day end up going as usual working in company.

It was few days later after all these incidents happend. According to Up Kao has been more open and affectionate to him. Like he ruffels his hair when he do something cute. They look into each other eyes and get lost in them.

"Nong, here is your hoodie. Thank you for giving it to me I have washed it." Kao said while handing a packet to Up.

"No problem Phi, anytime. Up said while smiling cheekily."

Kao ruffeled his hair and went back to his Desk.

"So, Do you have anything going on with Nong'Up?" Suddenly Kao heard someone saying it and he lifted up his head to see who.

It was P'Wut one of his seniors and the person Kao was close to.

"Not really, Why do you ask it Phi?"

"He like you. When he sees you or talks to you it seems like he is head over heels for you. Don't you feel that?"

"Eer.. really. I just thought he is like this to everyone."

"No he is more polite and less hyper to everyone else. He treats you differently."

"Maybe because we are close, Phi."

"You never really become close to anyone before, nor you ever wanted to, so how come you started interacting with Nong'Up so much?"

"It's because I don-"

"P'Kao I got some idea do you want to hear it out? Ou P'Wut Hello " Up Waied to P'Wut.

"Kao you continue with Nong'Up, we will talk later. You need to tell me everything." With that he P'Wut walked away.

"What were you guys talking about phi?"

"Nothing serious. So what's your idea?"

"Okay so...."

Up was looking towards Kao, when Kao suddenly started staring into UP's eyes deeply.

So he do like me. Kao thought while looking into UP's eyes. Maybe even ignoring his own Paced heartbeats.


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