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Kao was sitting here on his desk next day, dark circles under his eyes. Probably because of his brain didn't shut down last night and was working thinking about Up and Bruce.

He had no idea what to do now. He can't even talk to Up, because of his own doings. Up don't even want to see him. And now since Kao realised his feelings towards him is also great mess.

"Can we have a talk?"

Is it P'Wut again Kao thought. We he keeps showing like this and then have a talk with him, and then messes up his Mind more. He is not in mood to talk with him now.

"Kao, Can we have a talk??!"

Wait that is not P'Wut's voice, was it the person he was thinking about. Nah probably he is hallucinating now. He looked back and yes he was that person and No he was not hallucinating.

There was Up actually standing there with his Arms folded. Waiting for Kao's response.

"Y-Yyes" The only word came from Kao's mouth.

"Follow me outside." Up started walking out and Kao followed him. They stopped in empty hallway.

"So I got to know you didn't presented the project, we worked on?" Up said while looking furious.

"How could I without you." Kao answered in low voice. Probably not wanting to face anything more.

"But I gave you permission,I gave up on it myself." Up said while raising his voice.

"How could I Up, I was so guilty of doing what I have done. It's true I wanted to use you, but I got attached to you. I don't want to hurt you anymore or use you anymore." Kao said while looking at Up.

"Fine" Up said while walking away from there. Kao suddenly Holds UP's arm and stopped him.

"Up Stop listen to me. I apologise for whatever I did. Don't ignore me like this. Just give me a chance one last.  time. I want to make it up for you."

"Kao I don't know if I can trust you again fully. Whatever Actions you did, I don't know the reason why you did. But"

"But?" Kao asked while looking at Up hopefully.

"But I don't want to sound like a Jerk, since you have been trying to talk to me, from last few days. I will give you a chance."

Kao smiled so widely. Up was mesmerized he never saw him smile like that.

"So you want to go out for Coffee?" Kao asked cheerfully.

"Next time maybe Kao. I have finalizing meeting for a Project today."

"Are you going to be with that Bruce guy?"

"I am going to be with my Team. See you later then."

Right now Kao was happy that finally he got a chance to fix everything and maybe make Up his? But there was one problem which made him not so happy. That guy. What he is to Up he wants to know.

From past few days, after that incident Kao and Up have been talking regularly. Not like before but still.Usually Kao goes to Up and try to talk to him first which Up continues.

Kao just couldn't process well while seeing Up smile. How creases forms while he smile cheekily how his laugh is so cute, how his teeth shows like bunny. How he just went to adore him.

His heart beats faster. He starts blushing and smiling and he hope everyday Up won't notice it.

Sometimes he even almost wanted to confess his feelings to Up. But everytime he go in front of Up words can't be formed in his mind.

But everything goes fine until Bruce shows up. Up has been also hanging out with him alot. Well it can't be stopped Kao thought. He atleast got to talk with Up and see him smile because of Him nothing more he want.

But here is truth, he wants to be greedy. He wants Up for himself. He don't even know if Up still likes him or not. He don't want to upset him while bringing that topic. He has been just trying to find it out himself.

And now here he was sitting in the party in which P'Wut invited. He was totally aware that Up and Bruce were going to be here.

But he didn't knew that he would become invisible in front both of them. So he was sitting afar drinking alone.

Alone? Because P'Wut dropped his plan when Kao just arrived. And now Kao can't go back because he is staring at Up and Bruce having fun together.

Other were also there surely but his eyes only focused on those both. He was furiously jealous. He just want to take away Up from there.

But he just sat there and drank. Until he loose all control over his emotions.

Up was partying with everyone. It was so fun for Up he haven't really went to parties like this. This was something new for him.

He didn't drank as he needed to drive back home. Come on he can have fun even without drinking.

He excused himself to go to toilet. When he was coming back he spotted certain someone at cornor. First he thought he was seeing things. But he was not.

It was Kao there, probably looking so drunk. And he was alone? He went to Kao being concerned atleast.

He sat stool next to Kao. And tapped on his shoulder.

"Ou Up, why are you here" Kao said while putting his hands on Up's cheeks.

"Why are you alone here Kao?" Up asked being concerned.

"Why don't youh go and party with Bruce? Why are you sitting here." Kao said while making pout and moving to other side from Up.

"Kao listen to me, you are so drunk. Let me take you home." Up said while moving Kao towards him.

Kao stared at Up for a minute and then suddenly pulled UP's cheeks while giggling.

"You know Up, you are so cute."

Up just flinched a bit and didn't said anything. Kao had flushed cheeks and pout on his face, which was really cute.

"You are so cute, but I can't have cute you now. That Bruce dragon already have you." Kao said while putting his head on Tabel still pouting.

"What do you mean Kao?"

"Up, do you still like me?" Kao asked while suddenly bringing his face so close to Up.

Up backed away a bit.

"Kao you are drunk, let me take you home."

Up picked Kao on his shoulders. And was going to tell others that he is going early before he could tell.

"I like you Up."


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