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That day Up went home taking an early leave. He didn't wanted to face anyone. Atleast for sometime.

So for next 2days he ended up taking leave saying he was not well and will complete his work from home.

During this time god knows how many times Kao have called him. But he was not ready to talk to him or he will end up blasting on him.

Currently he was just doing his work. He was not in mood to cook so he ended up making himself instant noodels.

Suddenly he heard someone ringing his doorbell. Maybe it would be his parcels he ordered online Up thought.

Up opened the door in his sleepy state, he saw someone standing whom he was not expecting at all.

It was Kao standing there, Up's eyes widened he closed the door suddenly.

"Nong'Up are you okay? Why were you not picking up my calls? Open the door."

Now Kao was here, he can't let him stand outside like that as sake of humanity he opened the door.

"I was so worried about you Up, please pick up your calls next time."

"Pfft Liar." Up said under his breath.


"Phi, probably I was sleeping and my phone was on silent so I couldn't." Up said with straight face.

"It's fine, let's go inside I bought you food to eat."

They went inside and Kao straight up went to kitchen to pour food into the bowls.  Up went back to doing his work.

"You are still working you should rest." Kao said while looking worried.

"What a good actor" Up thought while looking at Kao.

"Here let me check" Kao said while putting his head on Up's forehead.

"It's burning Up, did you take your medicines?"

It's burning because of you liar, Up thought while staring at Kao for so long without saying anything, he just dont want to talk to him in anyway.

"Here eat this, then I will give you medicines."

Up nodded and went back to doing his work without paying much attention to what Kao said.

Kao already told Up 2-3 times to eat and now he was so done with him. He took the spoon and straight up push it in UP's mouth.

This action of Kao, made Up so shocked he almost choked on food.

"Phii, I will eat it myself give it." Up said while cleaning his face.

"No you won't, I already tried here let me feed you." Kao said while bringing up the spoon near UP's lips.

Up took the spoon and bowl from Kao's hand and started eating himself.

"Good, I will give you medicines now. Let me bring water."

Kao bought medicines and water for Up, forced him to take them even though Up was whining alot.

And he just sat there seeing Up working for few hours.

"Up you should atleast rest for sometime or your fever won't go like this." Kao said while closing UP's laptop.

Up in reality had no energy so he didn't resisted what Kao was saying and went on Bed.

"Here let me put comforter on top. Do you want me adjust heater temperature." Kao said while putting comforter on top of Up.

There faces were inches apart. Kao was intensely staring at Up's eyes. Slowly getting close to Up's face.

"What do you want from me now Kao?" Up said with straight face while glaring in Kao's eyes.

"What?" Kao asked confusingly.

"You need something from me again that's why you are being nice to me this much, right Kao?"

"I need Nothing from you Nong, what are you talking about, I was just really worried-"

"Stop lying now Kao, I was avoiding you all these days, do you know?"

Kao stood up, while Up also sat straight.

"Why were you?"

"You have you answers Kao, I just can say you are very good liar."

"Up, I am not lying to you right now, I was not lying about anything today." Kao said while looking at Up.

"Oh you are not today, how can I believe you. When you are lying to me since we met." Up said while tearing up.
"Are you satisfied now Kao, that you used me for your worth. And I am not even saying a word to you."

"Up.." Kao said while sitting near him.

"See you are acting again. It's fun to play with me right, and you also know I like you right."

"How you know all this Up, who told you?"

"It doesn't matter Kao, the thing matter right now is I know how selfish you are. You just used my feelings all these days for your own worth."

"Can you stop crying Up, please don't cry." Kao said while wiping his tears.

"Why can't I kao, why do you care."

"I didn't wanted to make you cry like this Up."

"But you said you don't feel anything about me. That you don't care about my feelings."

"Up I didn't meant it like that."

"So what else it means, why are you acting like this now, you are so different when I'm not around you.

Kao was looking down now, not having capability to look into Kao's eye.

"You are acting again right" Up said while laughing a little.

"Tell me what you want from me now Kao, you can't love me back I know, You are selfish how can you love someone else."

Kao looked at Up suddenly and was trying to say something.

"Please go Kao, I don't want to see you anymore."

Up went inside his Comforter stopping himself to say anything else. That's why he didn't wanted to face Kao, now he ended up saying all the things to him.

He hear door closing indicating that Kao went. He ended up going to sleep while being in deep thoughts.


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