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That same night here Kao was with P'Wut in resturant.

"So will you tell me about the thing I asked you earlier?" P'Wut asked while raising his one eyebrow.

"Yes, He just irritates me P."

"Irritates you?, So you get close to him?? It should be opposite according to basic human decency."

"It's not like what you think. Sinc he joined work he got everyone's attention on him. His works are always so good. Everyone praise him so much, the thing which took me years to do, he did in just some week? It irritated me alot P."

"So why are trying to be close to him now?"

"P, I will sound like a total jerk right now, or whatever I don't care but Im getting close to him so I can benifit myself."

"But seems to have feelings for you?"

"I don't care about what he feels. All this I am just doing for myself. And once the project we are doing together get finished. I will just break all connections from him!"

"Do you really think that it's that easy Kao?"

"Yes, I do P. I don't care if he ends up getting hurt in end. I just want to benifit myself."

"Okay Whatever you want to do Kao, But just remember do consider your own feelings keeping your this attitude aside. It's for your own good too."

With that they stopped talking about this topic and finished their dinner and left for home.

Next few days, Kao just observed Up closely. His actions, his habits. How he was always hyper and never tierd till the end of the day. How he looks in his eyes so lovingly smiling.

Just for few minutes and then he shakes all these thoughts thinking about his plans only.

And finally it was 3 days before their project presentation. And they were at Kao's house today.

Kao usually don't end up inviting anyone in his house but it was just a one minute thought to go to his house. Since Up was asking about it since long.

Kao's house was surely big, bigger than Up's and it had more warm tone and neat look than UP's.

"So let's start working." Kao said while looking towards Up, who was watching whole room with Big eyes.

"Y-yes let's start" Up said while bringing out his files.

"Let me bring something to drink, what you want?" Kao asked

"Can I get Cold coffee?"

With that Kao went to bring coffee. He came back and put it on tabel Up was working on. Just within seconds Up didn't paid much attention and The glass of Coffee fell on his lap.

"Ouu Phi, Sorry. I will clean the floor." Up said while getting up from his seat.

"You should clean yourself first nong" Kao said while laughing. He got Up and gave towel and his clothes to Up.

"Go take shower and change clothes, I will clean up from here don't worry."

Up went to take shower while Kao cleaned up all the mess.

Up was really embarrassed. It was his first time in Kao's house and he was already being Clumsy mess.

He went inside the bathroom and started taking shower. Surely it smelled like Kao and now he smells like Kao. He loved it somehow.

"Phi, I wore these pyjamas but I think they are little bit too long---" Up came out of bathroom while reciting his problem but ended up tripping cuz of pyjamas, staight on top of Kao.

Up was now on top of Kao faces inches apart.Kao holding his waist. His heart was bearing so fast. He can basically feel Kao's warm breaths. His eyes sparkling and His lips.

And here Up was loosing his self control. Because who wouldn't it was Kao.

Without even thinking once he pressed his lips on Kao's lips. It was bliss for Up. He also knew Kao won't probably kiss back deep inside.

But here Kao was Kissing him back, holding his waist really tightly and slowly bringing his hands up to his neck.

Their lips started moving in Sync. Kao hold UP's neck and bought his face more close kissing him deeply.

Kao tasting UP's sweet lips, got him to Daze which shortly got broken. He pulled away suddenly.

"Let's get back to work now, shall we?" Kao said while catching his breath.

And here Up was a blushing mess.


There was no update yesterday, I thought to take a little break on Sunday. Hope you all are enjoying the story ><❤️

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