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"Up here are some files, we both need to review it together." Kao said Suddenly from coming behind.

He put one of his hands on up shoulders and bought his face at side so near with Up's. His ears slightly turned rosey colored.

"Up, open the file."


Up opened the file and was astonished finding out it was the project they were working on before.

"I talked about it with other team members, they said that we can give the presentation later on.I didn't wanted it to let go without even trying." Kao said smiling while looking into UP's eyes.

Up smiled like crazy and hugged him so tightly. He was so happy seeing Kao being so considerate.

Kao was shooked. His eyes were wide open due to sudden actions of Up.

They both were in their own world until they realised that everyone was starring at them.

They pulled back from each other as soon as they realised it. And Everyone just went back to doing their work.

"Thank you" Up whispered.

Kao just smiled and ruffled Up's hair and went back to his desk completing his work.

It's been already a week now, and today was the day when they were going to do presentation.

"Kao it's a daily thing, but why I am so nervous today." Up said while trying to Tie his Tie.

"It's going to be find, Calm down" Kao said while helping Up.

Up ended up Sleeping at Kao's house last night while practising for presentation it was just that.

Kao kissed on Up's cheeks."It's going to be okay. We can do it."

Up hugged Kao, to get some relief.

And that's how they went to workplace and ended up giving the presentation. And it went really well.

And as a result their project got accepted. Everything was worth.

And as a celebration they both decided to order a takeout. Pretty simple. But they were too tierd for something glamorous right now.

They first stopped at UP's house so he can grab all his necessities.

"You bought a whole big bag, are you going to live month with me?" Kao asked smiling.

"No, I am just going to put my stuff at your place, so I don't need to bring my things again and again." Up said suddenly.

"You are basically living with me." Kao said while giggling.

"Let's go now" Up said while not sound flustered.

Kao started to step up their dinner. They bought full set of Hotpot.

And they enjoyed eating while talking about this and that, you know nothing more while eating food is most important.

"I am going to shower first then, you can finish this." Kao said while putting last pecies of meat on Up's plate. Up ate them happily while nodding giving response to Kao.

Kao came out wearing the no sleeves shirt, his biceps were quite visible, Up never saw him like that. He usually saw Kao in Suits or hoodies.

"I-I am going to go shower now too" Up said while running away not trying take his thoughts any further.

Kao just plopped down into bed inside the sheets going through his phone.

Up came out after shower wearing his Pyjamas with Bunny print on them.

Oh to Kao he looked the cutest person in this world. He want to embrace him so badly and never let him go.

"Do I look wierd, you are starring from last 5 minutes?" Up asked

"No, you look super cute" Kao blurted.

Up just smiled wide and blushed while getting inside the sheets with Kao.

They both just lied down staring straight at celing without looking at each other. Their legs touching each others.

It was very awkward silence for few minutes. Only breathing sounds and lots of things going between both of their minds.

Suddenly they both moved together trying to hover each other but ended up bumping their heads into each other.

They started laughing while rubbing their heads. Kao sneakingly embracing Up into his arms while laughing.

They stopped laughing and just started into each other eyes, there was total silence now. Not even breaths could be heard.

Kao looked at Up now moving his head little closer. And Up nodded a little bit giving him the assurance.

He locked his lips with Up's and started kissing each other slowly.

Kao pulled out from kiss and started kissing all over UP's face, cherishing the person he had right now, right in front of his eyes.

He took UP's hand and kissed it while looking into his eyes.

"Let's go on proper date tomorrow?" Kao asked.

"Really, let's go." Up said while looking so hyper.

"My bunny is always hyper. Even though it's night"

Kao kissed Up lips one last time and went into deep slumber waiting for tomorrow to come.


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