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Up woke up extremely early today even though it was Off today from work. The reason was Kao was coming to his home today.

The reason was simple, for the project they are going to work together.

He couldn't believe that he woke up early and cleaned his messed up room . That maybe he didn't cleaned properly since months.

He wore one of his black tee and jeans. Looking pretty simple according to him. Pretty much okay to impress Kao maybe a little bit? He smiled looking at mirror while thinking of Kao.

Door bell rang and here was Kao, He was wearing White hoodie and black joggers, according to Up he was looking stunning.

Up smiled cheekily and welcomed him in his house. He is usually hyper when someone comes in his house. He didn't really like living alone.

"Do you want to drink something I can bring, Coffee? Tea? Juice? Soda?, Oh first let me bring you water atleast." Up said in one breath and went towards kitchen, without even let Kao answer.

"Okay now tell what you want to drink." Up said while giving glass of water to Kao.

"This is fine, you don't need to worry much Nong."

"Au, If you need anything then just tell me Phi."

"Yes I will, now let's start working."

With that they started discussing about their ideas. Up loved Kao's ideas and Kao was surprised to hear UP's great ideas., Thinking that why he didn't had those.

But can we first see what Up was feeling while Kao was explaining things to him. He just stared at Kao's face, His eyes so shiny, his nose so perfect, his lips so good, everything was overwhelming Up so much. He didn't wanted to stop staring, but he need to before Kao notices.

It was Lunch time. Up ordered them lunch since he definately didn't had energy to cook. They have been working since early morning.

"I am so tierddd." Up said while lying on bed.

Suddenly Kao got up from his place and lied next to Up on Bed.

"I am too, my back hurts little bit."

"T-th-then let's rest until food comes." Up suggested.

To answer Up Kao nodded and closed his eyes.

For Up this was reallly much, his heart have taken a whole flip it was beating too fast. Kao lying so close to him. Their one arm and leg touching each others. Surely if you are in this position with your crush, you will go on Cloud 9.

Up tired to ignore everything and getting little bit rest, in mean time food arrived.

"I bring food. Okay"
Up got up and ran as fast as he could, because he was really flushing red right now and he knew it.

He took the food and went into kitchen. First he calmed himself down as much as he could, washed his face. Next he served the food in plates and bought it happily to Kao.

"Au what you are doing on my laptop phi?"

"Nothing, I was just reading what we discussed, sorry I used it without your permission."

"No it's fine Phi, I don't mind. Now let's eat."

And that's how whole day went and Kao left in evening. Today was surely great for Up and maybe for Kao too.

Next day, Up went to office he had meeting today. He straight up went to meeting room since he kind of woke up late today, he had really sweet dreams after Yesterday.

He entered into the meeting room. Without any thought he just looked for Kao first. There he was sitting wearing a Black suit. He looked as perfect as he look.

Everyone was presenting their ideas and there it was Kao's turn. Up always liked Kao's ideas.

Kao started presenting his idea and Up was shocked seeing how his and Kao's idea was so smiliar yet Kao's one was more perfect than him.

It was UP's turn.

"Mr.Uppompat have you prepared anything?"

"Sir, uhm I did, it's lot similiar to Kao as you can see. But I think Kao's idea is much better than mine." Up said while smiling.

Them having almost same presentation is Merely just a coincidence right?


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