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It was finally the day when they needed to present their project, In front of everyone.

But last night Up emailed Kao all his part completed perfectly. This made Kao hope that Up will atleast come to meeting.

But he was wrong. Up was nowhere to be found. He searched whole office. He even delayed the meeting but no Up never came.

In Kao's mind 100 thoughts were going on. He shouldn't feel this way, when he said that he don't care about Up. But why he is feeling guilty, miserable and like a biggest jerk in the world right now.

When he saw Up cry that day, it made him regret all the things he did. From all these past weeks Up have been making him so happy and not lonely he didn't realised until now. And how he could made him cry. How could he be so reckless.

Next day he came to Office and saw Up already sitting in his desk doing his work. He went to Up as fast as he could.

He reached there and looked at Up, Up felt his presence and looked in his eyes.

"How did the project went?" Up asked

"Why didn't you came yesterday?" Kao asked in very low voice.

"I thought this is what you wanted Kao. I gave it to you. The whole project, I gave it to you. Did it got selected?"

Kao nodded his face into No. He couldn't speak anything. The guilt is a very big thing.

Up shrugged his shoulders
"Well I guess our brain together can't think of great ideas anymore. I'm not useful to you now, so we should be apart now" with that Up went back to doing his work.

The words Up just said to Kao, was not something Kao was expecting. But he thought it's right thing since what he did to Up. This is what he deserve?

This whole week he just observed Up from afar. How he didn't had that smile and cheerness like before. How he was always gloomy all because of Him.

He fucked up so badly he knew. And he wanted to fix it. Fix it so badly.

"So you do have feelings for him?"

Kao looked up seeing whose voice it was. It was P'Wut.

"I don't know Phi, I really don't know, all I know right now is I did bad and I want to fix it."

"I told you before that you should think before what you are doing." P'Wut said while raising his eyebrows.

"I thought I wouldn't be bothered by his feelings. But I was wrong. I lied him and I even lied to myself. I don't know what to do now Phi."

"Just do whatever feels right Kao. I suggest you again." While Saying that P'Wut left from there.

"Nothing feels right" Kao screamed under his breath.

Kao needed to bring some files to Up. He found a little chance to atleast talk with Up now.

"Up, these files."

"Thank you Kao." Up said while not even glancing at him.

"Can we go have coffee together during break time?" Kao asked with hopeful eyes.

"I don't want to." Up said while not even bothering a little bit.

Kao just frowned and walked away from there.

Well if Up was not going he was going to go alone. He needs to clear his mind he can't focus on work these days.

He went to the Coffee shop, while the ride he played the songs Up used to play when they used to ride together.

He went in Coffee shop ordering his usual order and was trying to clear his mind. When he saw something. Something that maybe made him happy for seconds but then broke his heart.

He saw Up entering in coffee shop, smiling cheekily but then he looked at side. There was boy next to him.

It broke his heart but why. Was he jealous. Has he really fallen for Up? But was it too late because messed with Up already.


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