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"I like you Up."

Everything stopped for Up, he forgot about his surroundings. What was happening after hearing those words

"You are drunk Kao. Let's go home."

He took Kao from there to Kao's home. He found the keys of House in Kao's pocket only.

He opened the door and found out that Kao has already passed out in arms. So he just dragged Kao to his bedroom.

For Up it was whole another Workout those muscles are really real. He tried to carry Kao up to his bed.

As he was putting Kao on bed, his foot slipped and he landed straight on top of Kao, and Kao hugged him so tightly.

"Up please don't go this time. I am really serious about my feelings." Kao mumbled in his drunken state.

Up stood up suddenly and walked till washroom to bring towel. But his legs were shaking. From the sudden confessions of Kao he couldn't process everything well. His heart is making sumersaults now.

He brought towel and wiped off Kao's face since he was sweating alot. He could have changed his clothes. But no energy to even walk. He ended up lying next to Kao. Not even sleeping a bit. His mind was so active with the thoughts of Kao.

Next Morning, Kao woke finding his surroundings familiar. He was in his house. Maybe P'Wut bought him? He thought but He didn't came then who could have.

As he was thinking all this he saw Up standing in front of Him. His eyes widened.

"Here take warm water. Is your head paining? Should I give you some medicine?" Up said while giving glass of water to Kao.

"What happened yesterday?" Kao asked

"Nothing much, you just confessed to me." Up said while smirking.

Kao choked on his water. He started slowly remembering what happened yesterday. And now he know that he was blushing so much which was quite visible.

"Since you are awake I will go now. I just slept here yesterday because I was too tierd. Hope you don't mind." Up was walking away after saying that.

"You can stay here forever I won't mind."

Kao said these words which made Up stop and he turned around while staying silent.

"I really meant it what I said yesterday." Kao said while standing from his place and going towards Up.

"I really developed feelings for you Up, and seeing you with someone else makes me regret so much. I want to be the reason of your smile."

"With someone else?" Up suddenly spoke up.

"With Bruce, What can I do to be like him Up?"

"You can do nothing, you both are like two opposite poles" Up said while folding his hands.

Kao frowned thinking he officially lost his chance. He even confessed his feelings yet nothing changed.

"But, you don't need change Kao, I like you the way you are except I'm happy that you realised what you did wrong that's why when you apologized I accepted it."

Kao looked at Up being confused.

"Well, about me and Bruce there is nothing. He already got a very sweet boyfriend. Which is surely better than me for him. And we just became close as I like to tease him alot and he is fun. But I never really thought to have something with him."

"So you both are not dating?" Kao eyes sparked.

Up shaked his head into a No. But Kao frowned again.

"Why are you frowning now?"

"But you don't-"

"I do" Up said while cutting Kao off.

Kao eyes widened. He couldn't believe what just happened.

"I liked you before you know it Kao. But the incident happened made me hate you alot. I never even thought to talk with you again. I hated you with all my guts."

"Bu-" Kao intrupted but Up put his hand on Kao's hand stopping him to speak any further.

"Let me Finish first. I saw you tried to talk to me after that so many time looking so sorry and guilty. I thought you are still acting to for your own benifit until one day when P'Wut came to me. He told me everything about you briefly.How you have been not around with much people and only talk to few, that make you focus on your work and determined to do your best because that's the only thing that made you happen, and seeing me taking over your place made you do that. I understood you Kao." Up said while caressing Kao's cheek.

"So you like me still?" Kao asked

"Yes, I do"

Kao slowly bring his hands on Up's cheeks.

"So would you like to date me Mr. Uppoompat?"

"Yes Mr.Noppakao" Up said while smiling cheekily.

"Don't smile like that" Kao said

"Ou Why Mr.Noppakao?

Kao bought his face closer to UP's

"Because it makes my heart go crazy"

And their lips touched each others, they started moving in sync. Both of them felt bliss, the feeling of get loved by someone. Sharing each other's breath. The feeling they never felt before.

"I love you Up."

"I love you too Kao"

Their forheads touched each others while they stared in each other eyes seeing the galaxies.


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