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It's been already few weeks since Up and Kao started working together on project. And they pretty much become close.

Like Both of them knowing what their favourite food is, and knowing from where they graduated and got degree. From which states they were, and some of their daily life habits.

Up sometimes or most of times acts Hyper about things. Makes jokes out of silly things. It was just Up being Up.

But this was something new for Kao, being a very isolated person. He interacted with very less people. And seeing someone like Up surely made him intrested in his Hyper Nong.

Today again they were having general discussion about their project when suddenly Up had urge to ask one question.

"P'Kao Can I ask you a question. Like if you feel comfortable then only answer it, or you don't need to."

Kao nodded as the indication for Up to go on with his question.

"Have you dated before?"

"Yes, I dated some girls before why?"

Up formed a frown in his face, he had little hope to know if his crush was interested in males or not.

"Nothing Phi, just asked."

"You can tell me if anything is there okay. And I never really figured out if I like girls only or not, maybe some changes happen one day?" Kao answered. Just because he saw a frown in Up's face.

And it worked, Up smiled, he smiled eye to eye. A little bit hope developed into his heart. That he have little chance to get with his Phi.

"By the way, Nong'Up we are working so much want to go out in Amusement park to lighten your head tomorrow?"

"Really can we go. I really love Amusement parks!!" Up said hyping.

And now he can't wait for tomorrow. He might not even sleep tonight. Because he is going out with his Crush!

It was next day and Kao came to pick Up from his home. Kao was wearing really cute Pink hoodie with black ripped jeans for Up he was wearing Oversized white shirt with denim jeans.

They both reached to their destination. Up hyping up so much during whole ride. He is like a small kid in Adult's body.

They went on rides together. And here Up got to know that Kao is really scaerd of fast rides. So whenever there was one Kao used to Hold UP's hand really tight. Which surely made UP's heart flutter so much.

"No I am not going in there." Kao said trying to run away.

"Come on Phi, be a man it's going to really fun"

"Fun, I think I'm going to not survive if I went in there."

"Come on na Phi na na na na na" Up said while showing his cute eyes.

They were standing in front of Haunted ride and Kao had no plans to go in there. But Up was forcing him and at the end he couldn't say no to Up.

They went inside. For Up it was not really scary he have seen more Haunted rides before. So he was pretty chill maybe..maybe not. Because Kao was hugging me scaerd for his life. Up was not going to lie, Kao was looking really cute hugging him and being scaerd. He could have just pinched Kao's cheek if he didn't had control on his reflexes.

They were finally out of the Haunted House.

"Phi You look tierd. Let me buy you Ice cream." Up said while running to Ice cream shop.

He bought 2 popsicles and gave one to Kao. They sat down while eating their treats.

"Oh Phi you have some of your ice cream here" Up said while wiping up the ice cream from Kao's chin and then liking it away.

Kao eyes widen in shock due to its Nong action and after few seconds Up eyes also widened realising what he just did. Not knowing what to do next he just sat quietly.

It was already night, Moon a d stars were all visible clearly and they were walking back home.

"It was fun with you today Phi."

"I also had so much fun after long time, it's good to have some company."

With that Kao was going back in his car when he sprained his ankel.

"Phi are you alright??!"

Kao nodded

"No, you are not you can't even walk. Wait let me help you let's go to my room."

Up put some ice pack on Kao 's leg amd staerd at him worriedly.

"I am fine Nong don't worry."

"You can sleep here."


"You can sleep here it's already past 12 and your foot is also not okay."


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