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CASSANDRA HART HAD ALWAYS BEEN GOOD AT SEDUCING MEN, so when she received her latest mission she didn't hesitate to accept it. Cassie glanced down from the staircase she was walking down from, her target was stood near the exit, multiple bodyguards surrounding him as he looked around with a drink in hand.

A sly smirk pulled at her lips, he'd be an easy target. Cassie neared the man whilst digging out her small mirror and lipstick from her purse.

Her target looked to be in his early forty's, he wore a well tailored suit and had a strong gaze.

Cassie brushed her hair back as she accidentally let her lipstick drop, it rolled over to her target and stopped right before him.


"Oh my! I am very sorry about that!" Cassie exclaimed, stepping forward to go get it but she was stopped by two bodyguards who shot her deadly glares.

The man dryly chuckled as he picked up the lipstick, he let out a short whistle as his bodyguards made way for Cassie.

"Thank you, gosh I'm such a ditz." Cassie giggled, taking her lipstick back in hand as he tilted his head.

"Well hello sweetness, who may you be?" He asked charmingly, he had a rich Scottish accent.

"Delilah Rakes." She gently held her hand out which he took gracefully, he placed a soft kiss on her hand which made Cassie cringe innerly.

Luckily for Cassie, he was a rather easy target. After just fifteen minutes she had him wrapped around her finger, they were walking toward his car whilst the bodyguards were following closely behind the two.

When they arrived at his house they stumbled upstairs to his room

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When they arrived at his house they stumbled upstairs to his room. Cassie felt his hands run through her wig which slightly annoyed her.

Cassie pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him, giving him a smirk as she fumbled with her ring and held it to his neck, zapping the shit out of him. Before he could react to what she was doing he was out cold.

She checked his pulse


Cassie scoffed and got off of him and quietly made her way to his office, which conveniently was right next to his bedroom.

She went to his desk and took out his laptop and set it on the desk, then she took out her glasses from her purse and turned them on.

"Ok Merlin im in" she said, as she hacked into the laptop.

"Good work Elaine" he praised "But make sure to get everything on the USB stick I gave you"

"Of course Merlin, I'd never forget I mean I can't, I have a Photographic Memory" Cassie laughed, but Merlin just sighed and shook his head.

"Just finish the mission Elaine" he grumbled.

Cassie was about to give a snarky remark before she heard the doors open, in came three men with they're guns raised high, pointing at her.

"Step away from the Desk" commanded a loud voice.

Cassie smirked and sneakily took out the USB stick from the Laptop and put it in her bra as she raised her hands and stepped away from the laptop.

"Now now Boys, surely we can figure something out" Cassie purred, eyeing her purse which was placed on a chair on the other side of the desk, she slowly lowered her hands and leaned over the desk, the men just looked at her, confused as to what she was doing.

Cassie snatched her purse and whacked the metal part over the first mans head, which made him fall to the floor unconscious.

She crouched down on the floor, dodging the bullets fired by the other two men.

One of the bullets grazed her arm which made her exclaim in pain "Fuck you, you wanker!"

She huffed in annoyance before running at one of the men, kicking the gun out of their grasp, she jumped onto a nearby chair and then onto the mans shoulders where she then wrapped her thighs around his neck and swerved to the side making him topple to the ground.

2 down 1 to go.

She looked at the last man and he was running full speed at her, she quickly kicked him in the chest which made him stumble back. She grabbed a stapler from the desk and basically bitch slapped him with it until he fell unconscious.

Cassie grinned and grabbed her purse and picked up the glasses, which had fallen to the floor mid fight.

"Sorry there Merlin, got a bit distracted" she said sheepishly.

When no response came she groaned in annoyance "Fuck, Merlin will kill me when he finds out I broke another pair" she grumbled as she set her watch to 'amnesia' and shot each of the men with it.

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