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Cassie's POV

I was sat next to Merlin watching the monitor.

The remaining candidates were sat on a plane waiting to be dropped out of a plane.

Merlin speaks up over the speakers „ Listen up. Your mission is to land in the target without the radar detecting you. If I read you on the radar or you miss the target, you go home. Is that understood? Drop zone coming up, 20 seconds."

The recruits get up from their seats and get ready to jump out. I pour some tea into Merlins cup before pouring some into mine.

The light turns green and a few of the recruits jump out except for Eggsy and Roxy.

„Eggsy! Eggsy, wait! Hang on!" Roxy pleaded, holding him back from jumping.

„Roxy, just stop fucking about! Follow me, yeah?" Eggsy said letting himself fall out of the plane. Roxy ends up jumping and all of the recruits are falling through the sky laughing and whooping.

„My, my, you're all very cheerful. Did you really think it was gonna be that straightforward? Any idiot can read a heads-up display. A Kingsman agent needs to be able to solve problems under pressure. Like what to do when one of your group has no parachute." I say as Merlin chuckles, taking a sip of his tea.

The recruits start freaking out and yelling at each other trying to figure out what to do.

„I told you. Aim for the target. Come in under the radar." Merlin spoke through the microphone.

„ And I hope not to be scraping one of you up. But if I do have to, and you're inside the target, please know I'll be very impressed." I say with a serious tone.

Eggsy comes up with a plan but one of the candidates pulls their string too early.
The remaining candidates form a circle and pull their strings one by one.

It was down to Eggsy and Roxy, the alarm starts beeping while we watch from headquarters as they get dangerously close to the ground, Merlin accidentally drops his cup of tea but I keep my eyes on the screen as I watch them fall through the sky.

Eggsy pulls Roxy's parachute and clings onto her for dear life. We quickly make our way outside to see them falling straight into the ‚K'.

Merlin gathers the recruits after everyone has landed on the ground.

„Hugo, Digby. You don't land in the K, you're not in the K. Rufus, you opened too soon. You were all over the radar. All three of you, pack your bags, go home." Merlin spoke giving them a disappointed look as they walked off.

I looked over at Eggsy and Roxy and gave them a big smile as I spoke up „Eggsy, Roxy, congratulations. You came close to the record. Opening at 300 feet, that's pretty ballsy. Well done for completing another task. Fall out."

Roxy and Charlie leave but Eggsy stayed in his place with a pissed off look on his face „Sorry, sir. But why the fuck did you choose me as the gimp? Am I the expendable candidate?" he complained looking over at Merlin and only giving me a short glance.

„No, no, no. You don't talk to me like that. You have a complaint, you come here and you whisper it in my ear." Merlin spoke with quite a threatening tone. Eggsy made his way over to him and Merlin leans in and says „You need to take that chip off your shoulder."

I pull at Eggsy's parachute and he goes flying back when it opens. Merlin walks off leaving me standing there with a smirk on my face as I walk over to Eggsy.

„You know you were pretty close to breaking the record, im impressed" I laugh helping him up.

„Oh yeah? What's the record?"

„Opening at 280 feet"

„Who the fuck set that record?" he laughed, walking beside me.

„I did" I give him a smug smile and he gives me an impressed look.

„Come on let's get inside" I say, he swings an arm over my shoulder casually and we walk back to headquarters.

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