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Cassie's POV

Eggsy and I entered the Black Prince pub, Eggsy was dressed in his suit, holding an Umbrella and I had on a simple dress.

„Michelle turn that shit off. It's doing my nuts in." Dean demanded.

"I rather like that song" Eggsy spoke up making them look towards us. "Leave it on, eh, Mum?"

I took a seat on one of the bar chairs.

"Mugsy's back." Dean laughed "You finally come to have that word with me, have you, son?"

"Or are you gonna run away again and pretend you're going to court dressed like that?"

"Oh, you mean this." Eggsy motions toward his suit. "No, I know a bloke who's just taken over a tailor's shop on Savile Row."

"He's given me a job, mum" he said "Comes with a lot of perks" I bite my cheek to prevent me from laughing.

"Including a house. Come and live with me there, Mum" he smiles "Come on."

Michelle has a bright smile on her face and slowly stands up but Dean points a finger in her direction and snaps "Sit down, you."

Dean and his goons stand up "Only place she'll be visiting is you in fucking hospital. Do you hear?"

"Just leave him alone, Dean!" Michelle shouts. "Eggsy, go, please, just go, babe" she pleads.

I look over at Eggsy and he gives me a nod. I get out my baton and stand up beside Eggsy.

"All right" Eggsy nods as he makes his way towards the door.

"Yes, do as Mummy says. Why don't you ask that tailor friend of yours to knock up a nice chicken costume, it'd suit you, you mug." Dean taunts.

Eggsy stops right in fron of the door "As a good friend once said" he started.






I see Deans goons look at Eggsy in fear. I expand my baton and give them a smug smile.

"Eggsy, I'm gonna shove your manners up your fuck-" but Dean couldn't finish because Eggsy had thrown a glass against his head making him fall to the floor.

"So are we gonna stand here around all day?" I question.

"Or are we gonna fight?"

End of Part one.

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