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Cassie's POV

I put on my clothes and walk out of my temporary room at the Kingsman facility.

I make my way to the infirmary to see Harry.
As I walked inside Merlin greeted me and updated me on Harry. There were no changes sadly.
"I'm still working on uncracking the footage, I just want to know what the fuck happened to him" I sigh sadly.
"Don't beat yourself up over it Cassie, he'll wake up soon" Merlin assured me.

I thanked him and made my way to the cafeteria where I saw Eggsy sit alone trying to feed his dog some food.

"Oh fuckin' hell mate you've gotta eat" he exclaims, kicking the food bowl to the side.

I walk up to him with a sly smirk "Need help?" I question, leaning towards him.

"Y-yeah he wont eat." Eggsy stammers. I find it cute when he's nervous. I grab a plate and put the dog food on there. I crouch down and set the plate in front of the puppy. The puppy sniffs my hand before he starts eating. I get up and look at Eggsy who gives me a look of bewilderment. "How'd you know to do that?" he asks. "My dog was the same when he was a puppy, it was torture trying to figure out why he wouldn't eat." I smile looking towards his puppy.

"What's his name?"

"J.B" Eggsy responds

"As in Justin Bieber?" I ask skeptically, letting out a small chuckle

Eggsy laughs "No, as in Jack Bauer"

"Oh well he's absolutely adorable" I coo, patting the dogs head. I look at my watch and sigh "I've got to go, but I'll see you around yeah?" I smile walking away giving him a sly wink.

"Ye-Yeah! See ya" he shouts after her with a big grin on his face.


Ive been stuck in my room for the last few hours trying to crack the code on Harrys footage, it was well past midnight so I decided to stretch my legs and go for a walk.

I quickly change my clothes and make my way outside. I stood in front of a big window in a random corridor. I keep thinking of Harry and Eggsy.

Wait, Eggsy? Why would I be thinking of him. I mean he's nice and all but that's all... right?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice footsteps approaching me. A hand lays on my shoulder alarming me of someone's presence. I spin around taking my dagger from my pocket and push the person on the ground, getting on top of them I hold my dagger against their throat.

"Woah- WOAH! Hey it's me! It's Eggsy" he exclaims panicked

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I shout, dropping my dagger to the floor, looking him in the eyes

"As much as I love the position we're in could you please get off" he laughs, I quickly get off, my face flushing red as I help him up.

"Sorry I just get easily scared" I let out a breath picking up my dagger

"Yeah I figured" he chuckled awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. As I look at him I notice he's absolutely soaked.

"What happened to you?" I ask, tilting my head to the side

"Fucking wanker Charlie and his goons poured water on me while I was sleeping" he complained, picking up J.B.

"Well come on let's get you some new clothes and sheets then." I announce. We walk in comfortable silence as we reach the storage room. I pick a pair of new pillow cases and try to reach for the bed sheets. But because im too short I can't get them. I almost jump when I feel Eggsy's presence beside me. He reaches up and gets the bed sheets with ease and then gives me a cheeky smile. I scoff "show off".

We both stare into each others eyes, our faces close as he starts to lean in. I lean in as well, but then swerve around him, my hair hitting his face in the process, and let out a laugh. "Oh that was mean Cassie!" he exclaimed

"Oh I know Darling" I say handing him the pillowcases. I go to leave but not before kissing him on the cheek. "Goodnight Eggsy" I sing song making my way towards my room, grinning like a crazy woman.

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