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Cassie's POV

I followed Eggsy into the tailor shop as we made our way towards Arthur. It took all in me to hold back my tears as I opened the door to the conference room.

„Arthur, Harry's dead." I say my voice laced with sadness.

„Galahad... is dead. Hence, we have just drunk a toast to him." he spoke. God I wanted to beat the absolute shit out of him.

Eggsy stepped forward „Well, then you know what that psycho's doing. How many people around the world have got those SIM cards? Valentine can send his signal to any of them, all of them. If they all go homicidal at the same time, then..." Arthur interrupted him.

„Indeed. And thanks to Galahad's recordings, we have Valentine's confession. The intelligence has been passed on to the relevant authorities. Our work is complete, and a most distinguished legacy for our fallen friend, it is, too."

„And that't it?" I raised my voice.

„Come and sit" he motioned towards two seats, we walk over and I sit beside Eggsy.

„This... is an 1815 Napoleonic brandy, and we only drink it when we lose a Kingsman. Galahad was very fond of you." Arthur pours us drinks.

I see Eggsy squint as if he found something, I look and saw Arthur had the same implant scar as Professor Arnold. Fucking bastard.

Eggsy points towards the paintings on the wall behind Arthur. „Are these all Kingsmen?" he asks as he switched his and Arthurs glasses.

„Yes, they're, uh, founder members.I want you both join me in a toast." he hands me my glass and I eye him carefully.

Arthur raises his glass „To Galahad"

Eggsy nods and raises his glass as well „To Galahad"

I copy them and we clink out glasses together. Eggsy and Arthur drink theirs, while I just set my glass back on the table.

Eggsy looked down and then back up at Arthur „Harry says you don't like to break rules, Arthur. Why now?"

Chester looks impressed „You're very good, Eggsy. Perhaps I will make you my proposal for Galahad's position. Provided, of course, that we can see eye to eye on certain political matters." It took all in me to not just slit his throat.

He held up the poison pen „Can you guess...what this is?"

„I don't have to. Harry showed me. You click it, I die. I thought that brandy tasted a bit shit." Eggsy said.

Arthur chuckles „Bravo"

„Valentine won you over. Somehow" I said slowly.

„Once he explained, I understood"

„When you get a virus, you get a fever. That's the human body raising its core temperature to kill the virus. Planet Earth works the same way. Global warming is the fever. Mankind is the virus. We're making our planet sick. A cull is our only hope. If we don't reduce our population ourselves, there's only one of two ways this can go. The host kills the virus, or the virus kills the host. Either way..."

„The result is the same. The virus dies."

„So Valentine's gonna take care of the population problem himself" Eggsy pointed out.

Arthur nodded „Well, if we don't do something, nature will. Sometimes, a culling is the only way to ensure that this species survives. And history will see Valentine as the man who saved humanity from extinction."

„And he gets to pick and choose who gets culled, does he? All his rich mates, they get to live, and anyone he thinks is worth saving, he's keeping them safe, whether they agree with him or not." Eggsy spat.

„And you... Eggsy and Cassie. In Harry's honor, I am inviting both of you to be part of a new world. It's time to make your decision." he spoke seriously.

I tiled my head to the side and glanced over to Eggsy, taking his hand I smirk „We'd rather be with Harry. Thanks"

„So be it" Arthur activates the poison and after a couple of seconds Arthur starts to choke.

Eggsy leaned back „The problem with us common types is... that we're light-fingered" he picks up the glass.
„Kingsman's taught me a lot, but... sleight of hand..." Eggsy leans towards Arthur with a smug smile on his face and whispers „ I had that down already."

„You... dirty little fucking... prick..." Arthur struggles, and his head hit the table. I got up and took the pen, stabbing it straight into his neck. I take out the nanochip and hand it towards Eggsy. Arthurs phone lights up and I grab it to see Valentine starting the countdown to when he will activate the SIM cards.

Eggsy and Me stand in front of Roxy and Merlin. Roxy had her gun aimed at Eggsy but Merlin spoke up „It's okay, Lancelot. Put it down."

„Its verified" Roxy lowers her gun.

„Arthur's phone is receiving update texts about getting to safety. We don't have a lot of time." Merlin says with a concerned look on his face.

„Well what are you gonna do?"

Merlin lowers his tablet and looks at us „Question is, what are we gonna do? God knows who's in Valentine's pocket and who's not. We have no choice. We're gonna have to deal with this ourselves. Follow me."

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