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"Oh fucking hell." She mumbled, ramming the key into the lock. She pushed the door open and dropped her keys back into her bag.

"Dad! I'm home!" She called, throwing her wig onto the sofa as she ruffled her hands through her hair.

"Welcome back darling, how was it?" Harry asked, whilst reading the newspaper.

Harry Hart wasn't her biological father but after her parents died during a mission a two year old Cassie was put into Harrys care, due to him being her godfather. Her parents were both very skilled and respected Kingsman agents, that's why when they died the Kingsmen vowed to take the best care of Cassie and she couldn't be more grateful. After all her years of training she finally got her position as Elaine, which used to be her mothers

"It was alright" she mumbled, slowly making her way up the stairs.

"Ah Cassie, aren't you forgetting something?" he asked folding the newspaper together.

"Hm?" she asked with wide eyes and an innocent smile.

"The USB"

"Oh Yeah!" she laughed nervously, taking the USB out of her bra and handing it to Harry.

Cassie turned around, hoping he wouldn't ask for the glasses. She was halfway up the stairs when she heard Harry ask "Cassie where are the glasses?"

She let out a quick laugh and hid the glasses behind her back "Which glasses?" she asked smiling sweetly, making her way back downstairs slowly.

"Don't tell me you broke another pair Cassie."

"Hah! What? No- Yea I did, I definitely did" she confessed, setting the broken glasses on the table.

"Merlin will definitely kill you this time, isn't this the seventh pair of glasses you've broken this month?" he asked whilst inspecting the broken glasses

"Ninth" Cassie mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Bloody Hell Cassie, you should take care of them better" he said in a disappointed tone, Cassie sighed and nodded her head.

"I know, I know." she grumbled as she walks to the cabinet where they keep all their bandages. She grabbed all the things she needed and dropped them on the table.

She sat down opposite of Harry and started wiping away the blood around her wound, wincing as the alcohol touched her wound. 

"So, I heard you chose someone for Lancelot's spot." She spoke up glancing over to him before looking back at her wound

"Indeed I did"

"Well who is it"

"Eggsy Unwin"

"Wait Eggsy as in the kid who you gave the medal to years ago when his Dad passed away, who also happened to be an agent in training?" Cassie asked sceptically, wrapping a bandage around her wound.

"Yes, I think he'd make an exceptional asset" Harry explained.

"Well I hope you're right Dad" Cassie smiled.

Cassie was lying in bed, a old book in her hands

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Cassie was lying in bed, a old book in her hands. She quickly flipped through the pages as her mind soaked up all the words.

Every now and then she glanced down at her dog Leo, he was a two year old Dobermann whom she had gotten in her early days of Kingsman training.

A knock on the door tore Cassie out of her focus, dropping her book on the bed she made her way towards the door. Opening it she saw Harry with a phone in his hand.

"What's up?" she questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We're picking up Eggsy"


"Yes, now"

"Oh okay let me get changed quickly" Cassie said closing the door. Cassandra quickly pulled her tights on and grabbed her jacket.

After she got changed she went downstairs and grabbed her purse. On her way out she snatched the car keys out of Harrys hand ran towards the car.

"Cassandra you're not driving!"

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