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Cassie's POV

We were sat in the plane and I was just looking out of the window as we took off.

„What the fuck is this?" Eggsy asked pointing towards something.

„I have no Idea" Roxy replied. I kept staring out of the window, wiping away a tear. I felt guilty for letting him go theres alone, I should've gone with him. It should've been me.

I snapped out of my daze and turned my head towards Merlin who spoke „What you're playing with is a prototype personal trans-atmospheric vehicle. It was developed as part of Reagan's Star Wars project. It's pretty basic... but it should still work. We're gonna take out one of Valentine's satellites. We're gonna break the chain, stop the signal. It'll take him a couple of hours to reroute it, which buys us enough time for you to get me into Valentine's mainframe so I can shut it down."

Merlin looks at Roxy „Lancelot, you're gonna be using it. Get into your halo suit."

We're standing outside as Merlin attaches two giant balloons to Roxy's Halo suit.

„The higher you go, the more the balloons expand. When you reach the edge of the atmosphere, they'll explode. You'll need to deploy your missile just before that, okay?"

„The edge of the atmosphere" Roxy mumbles.

"Once you've deployed, you'll need to release for descent fast. Good luck."

I grab Roxy's hands as she starts ascending
"You can do this okay?" I tell her

She nods closing her eyes "Yeah"

"Cassie, Eggsy come on! Time is not our friend."

Eggsy nods at Roxy before leading me back to the plane.

He puts his arm around my waist as we stand at the entrance of the plane and wave to Roxy.

When we were sat in the plane Merlin leads us through the plan "You're getting in on Arthur's invitation. You're gonna need to blend in."

Eggsy looked disgusted "I'm supposed to be Arthur?"

Merlin nods "His invitation's on his phone" he hands the phone to Eggsy "Give them this. Give his real name: Chester King."

"What about Cassie and you?" Eggsy looked at me.

"I'll be your wife, Alison King" I smile giving him a wink.

"And I'm your pilot, I'm gonna stay here" Merlin adds.

He hands Eggsy a bag, containing his suit.

Eggsy looks up at him "Is that gonna fit me?"

"A bespoken suit always fits" I cut in, Merlin gives him the bag. "Just be grateful Harry had it made for you. Get dressed." Merlin orders and Eggsy makes his way into the changing room.

I grab my own bag which contains my own outfit. "Cassie" Merlin said quietly.
I put on a fake smile and looked at him.
"I'm so sorry" he pulls me into a hug which I gladly return.

I let out a breath and shake my head "I'm going to get dressed now" I give him a tight smile and make my way towards the other changing room.

I had my own Kingsman suit but for some missions like gala events I preferred dresses, to not stand out. I put on a beautiful black dress that was custom made for me by one of the Kingsman Tailors. It was bullet proof and had sowed in shorts so that I wouldn't expose myself while fighting.

I put on my heels that I had gotten from the weaponry and applied some lipstick. I put up my hair into a high ponytail and took out some strands in the front. I put on my beaded necklace that could also electrocute someone and put my zap ring on my finger.

I walked back towards Merlin and see that Eggsy was already changed.

"Wow look at you, real handsome" I tease, resting my hands on my hips. He turns around with a smirk but his eyes widen as he sees me.

"What? Do I look bad?" I ask, looking down at my dress.

"N-no you- you look beautiful" he stammers.

I smile and look down "Thank you" I say.

I walk to Merlin, Eggsy right behind me.
Over the radio Merlin requests "This is November-2-4-7-Charlie-Kilo, requesting permission to land."

"Permission is granted."

"Fuck me" Eggsy mumbles and I lean in and whisper into his ear "Maybe later". His head snaps towards me, his eyes wide and I just give him a smirk and a wink before I make my way to the back.

The plane lands "Cassie, Eggsy, we're on" Merlin says.

The door opens and I walk down before Eggsy and wrap my hand around his shoulder as I held my head up high.

Eggsy hands the phone to Valentine's Assistant. "Chester King... and this is my lovely Wife Alison King" he motions towards me.

The Assistant smiles at us "Mr. King, Mrs. King , welcome. I'm sure you've adhered to Valentine's strict no-weapons policy, but if you don't object..."

I nod "Of course"

The assistant scans us for weapons, luckily she didn't scan my shoes which held the small daggers. "Thank you. Do you have any luggage?" she asks.

Eggsy turns around to Merlin "Congratulations, Mycroft, you just graduated from my pilot to my valet." he gave Merlin a smug smile who just muttered something in reply.

"Understood. Good."

The Assistant gives Eggsy the phone back and we get escorted to the party.

Over the earpiece Merlin says "Eggsy,Cassie, find a laptop, get me online. The clock is ticking. And remember, try to blend in."

"Would sir and madame care for a drink?" asked a Butler.

"A glass of champagne please" I smile

"Martini. Gin, not vodka, obviously. Stirred for ten seconds while glancing at an unopened bottle of vermouth. Thank you." Eggsy requested in a posh tone. The butler nods and walks away.

I let out a snort at Eggsy's drink request "Couldn't have just gotten a whiskey?" I tease.

"I could've. But that sounded so much cooler" he winked.

"Cassie, Eggsy get me online now." Merlin says.

We Receive our drinks and begin walking around, looking for a laptop. We spot the Swedish Prime Minister working on his laptop.

"On it" I reply, we make our way towards the Prime Minister. "Society's dead. Long live society." Eggsy starts making the Prime Minister laugh.

"Amen to that. I'm Morten Lindstrom." he introduces himself.

"Chester King. And this is my lovely wife Alison" Eggsy says and I give the Prime Minister a fake smile.

"How did you get online? I couldn't." Eggsy questions.

"Oh, well, it's a closed network, you see. Pre-authorized connections only." he answers.

"Ah" Eggsy nods, I look at my watch and set it to amnesia "Do you have the correct time? I think I'm still in my last time zone." I ask.

The Prime Minister nods "Oh, yeah, yeah. Let's see now." I press the button on my watch and the start hits him in the neck, making him fall unconscious.

Eggsy goes to the laptop and I go towards him but I felt a knife against my neck.

"Eggsy" I whispered and he turned around and saw what had happened. Charlie stood behind me gripping my wrist with one hand while his other held a knife against my throat.

"Valentine! I've caught two fucking spy's!"

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