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Cassie's POV

It has been 3 Months since Harry had fallen into a coma. I miss him dearly and visit him everyday. I have been spending most of my free time with Eggsy and Roxy. Me and Roxy would be found training together often, she was like a sister to me.

Meanwhile Eggsy and I had gotten closer. We'd shamelessly flirt with each other and spend most nights wandering around the facility, sharing stories and stealing food from the cafeteria.

I sat in my room with Leo when I heard a knock on my door. „Come in" I said not paying much attention, I was still trying to crack Harry's footage. I knew it was impossible but I still wanted to try and not just sit around and do nothing.

Eggsy entered the room with JB behind him „Cassie its Harry he-" I didn't let him finish as I jumped off my bed, pushing past him with Leo right behind me. I ran to the infirmary and threw the door open.

I ran into Harry's arms and gave him a tight hug. „I thought I'd lost you dad" I whispered with tears in my eyes, he gives me a tight hug back before releasing me as Eggsy enters the room.

„Ever heard of knockin?" Harry asked Eggsy with a smile.

„Only when I'm casing a place to rob. Merlin said you wanted to see me." he replied with a chuckle.

„I hope J.B.'s training is going as well as yours is."

„Sit" Eggsy tells JB and without hesitation JB sits beside him.

„Congratulations on making it to the final six candidates. Your test results were even better than I could've hoped." Harry congratulated looking at the score board of the remaining candidates. I mouth a „good job" at Eggsy and he gives me a small smile before looking back at Harry.

There's a knock on the door and in comes Merlin, „Oh...Eggsy, I need to have a private conversation. You're dismissed."

Harry shakes his head and says „Nonsense. Let him observe. Might learn a thing or two"

Eggsy stands beside me as we watch Harry's footage. We see Professor Arnold whimpering in pain after Harry hit him and then his head explodes.

„Oh my god!" I exclaim, raising my eyebrows in shock and looking over at Harry. Unbeknownst to me I had gripped Eggsy's hand, though given he hadn't swatted my hand away he didn't seem to mind.
„Fucking hell! That is rank, Harry. You blew up his head? It's a bit much, innit?" Eggsy spoke, also looking towards Harry.

„Actually, the explosion was caused by an implant in his neck. Here, under the scar." Merlin motioned towards the screen where you could see a small scar behind his ear.

„Did his hardware pick up the signal that triggered it?" I questioned Merlin. I noticed I was holding onto Eggsy's hand and abruptly let go of it giving him a sheepish smile and muttering a small ‚sorry', he just gave me a smug smile and winked.

„Fortunately, yes. Unfortunately, the IP address I traced it to is registered to the Valentine Corporation." He answers pulling up a file of Valentine on the screen.

„That's not much of a lead. He has millions of employees worldwide" Harry sighed.

„That Richmond Valentine is a genius" Eggsy said, we all looked at him and gave him questioning looks.

„Did you not see his announcement today?"


Eggsy takes Merlin's tablet and keys in the information to bring up the footage of Valentine's latest announcement.

„We each spend on average $2,000 a year on cell phone and Internet usage. It gives me great pleasure to announce those days are over. As of tomorrow, every man, woman and child can claim a free SIM card, compatible with any cell phone, any computer, and utilize my communications network for free. Free calls, free Internet for everyone. Forever."

I take the tablet from Eggsy and Merlin takes the tablet from me after which Harry takes it from Merlin and closes up on Valentine's assistant who has the implant scar on her neck.

„Valentine's assistant has the same implant scar. I think Mr. Valentine and I should have a tête-à-tête." Harry spoke up, looking at the tablet and giving it back to Merlin.

„He's having a gala dinner next week. I'll get you an invitation. You need to be careful, though. Since you've been out, hundreds of VIPs have gone missing. No ransom notes, exactly like Professor Arnold." Merlin said.

„Then I suggest you make my alias somebody worth kidnapping" stated Harry

„Oo can I come?" I quip up


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