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Cassie's POV

I stood beside Harry looking at the screen, Eggsy was strapped to the train tracks. This was the trust test, seeing if they'd sacrifice themselves for Kingsman. Thinking back to when I took the test I let out a small laugh. I had somehow gotten out of the ropes and launched myself onto the test person who was pretty shocked, I was pulled back by Harry and Merlin who were equally shocked but they later explained it was just a test.

The train neared Eggsy but he refused to give up any information, the platform on which Eggsy was laying on dropped into the ground and the train went over.

Harry and me stood in front of Eggsy who had his eyes tightly shut. I let out a small laugh and he opened his eyes, he looked around confused.

„Congratulations Eggsy, bloody well done" Harry spoke with a proud tone.

„How'd the others do?" Eggsy asked as I untied him.

„Roxy passed with flying colours. Charlie's up next, wanna watch?" I spoke helping him up.

„Yeah, all right"

Charlie failed miserably and was left stuck on the train tracks.

Merlin spun around in his chair towards us.
„Galahad, Percival, congratulations. Your candidates have reached the final stage of the testing process. As tradition allows, you now have 24 hours to spend with them. Eggsy... you should know your father reached this point. From now on, there are no safety nets, understood?"

Eggsy and Roxy looked at each other and nodded.

„Good. Dismissed."

Harry, Eggsy and me were on our way to the Kingsman tailor shop to get Eggsy a fitting suit.

„So are you gonna teach me how to talk proper, like in My Fair Lady?" Eggsy laughed as he walked beside me.

Harry shakes his head and says „Don't be absurd. Being a gentleman has nothing to do with one's accent. It's about being at ease in one's own skin. As Hemingway said,'There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self'. "

We enter the Kingsman shop and I wave at the Tailor.
„Now... the first thing every gentleman needs is a good suit. By which I mean, a bespoke suit. Never off the peg. And Kingsman suits are always bulletproof. So let's get you measured, and then, whether you get the job or not, you'll have a lasting and... useful memento of your time at Kingsman." Harry continues walking over to fitting room one.

„I'm so sorry, sir, but a gentleman is completing his fitting. Fitting room two is available." The Tailor spoke up, setting his scissors down.

Harry shook his head„One does not use fitting room two when one is popping one's cherry."

Eggsy and I both laughed, whilst Harry just gave us a warning glance.

Harry looks towards me and then to Eggsy „Perhaps I'll show you fitting room three while we wait"

I squealed in excitement and made my way towards fitting room three, I absolutely loved this room and occasionally nicked a couple of gadgets.

„So we going up or down?" Eggsy questioned standing behind me.

„Neither" I answer

„This it?"

„Of course not. Pull the hook to your left." Harry says. Eggsy pulls the hook and the wall opens, I rush past Eggsy into the weapons room.

„Ah, yes. Very, very nice" Eggsy muttered, looking around the room.

„Now, you're going to need a pair of shoes to go with your suit." I quip up motioning towards the shoes.

„An Oxford is any formal shoe with open lacing. This additional decorative piece is called broguing." Harry explains.

Eggsy's eyes light up „Oxfords, not brogues."

„Words to live by, Eggsy. Words to live by."

I grab a pair of Oxfords and hold it towards Eggsy „Try a pair"

I go over towards the guns and look over to Eggsy „Your weapon scores are excellent, by the way" I say somewhat impressed.

Eggsy looks over to me and gives me a wink while clicking his tongue. Harry motions towards the Umbrellas „These you're familiar with. And this is our standard-issue pistol. It's quite unique. As you'll see, it also fires a shotgun cartridge for use in messy close-range situations."

I didn't listen to what they were talking about and walked over to the female section of the weaponry, yes I did have my own section with badass items.

„What about that section?" I hear Eggsy ask and I turn around to see him pointing towards my section.

„This is the female section, I'm the only one that uses it because I'm the only female agent at the moment" I explain.

I pick up a lipstick „If I apply this and kiss my target they automatically pass out- oh and this-„ I grab the perfume bottle that has ‚Goodnight' written on it „ If I spray this near my target their eyes will explode" I exclaim excited.

„Yeah I'll stay away from that section" Eggsy says nervously as he backs up, from behind him I see Harry give me a smile. I put the perfume and lipstick into my bag and grab a pair of high heels which had small daggers hidden under each outer sole.

I saw Eggsy take sneak a hand grenade into his pocket.

„Put it back, Eggsy" Harry and I say simultaneously.

The Tailor smiles at us „Ah, perfect timing. Gentleman's just finished."

The door to fitting room one opened and out came Richmond Valentine.

„Mr. DeVere! What a coincidence! You are totally the reason I am here. When you left my house, I was thirsting for that dope-ass smoking jacket you had on, and since I'm going to Royal Ascot, and apparently you need one of these penguin suits... here I am. What are you doing here?"

Valentine looks at me and Eggsy „What's up, man? Richmond Valentine." he shakes our hands.

„This is my assistant" Harry motions towards me and looks at Eggsy „And this is my new valet. I was just introducing him to my tailor"

I look up towards Eggsy who looked as worried as me, his hand gripped mine and I felt my face heat up.

I look back and saw Valentine and his Assistant leaving „ Gentlemen, would you look after him, please?" Harry asked the Tailor. „Cassie stay here alright" he said and I nodded.

I looked back at Eggsy who was lead into fitting room one, he gave me one last glance before the door closed.

Around an hour went by and I was sat on the leather couch reading a book, waiting for Eggsy.

The door opened and out came Eggsy „Hey you wanna go and grab something to eat?" I ask closing my book and putting it in my purse.

„Yea sure come on" he smiled and we walked outside. We ended up each getting a sausage roll from Greggs.

„How do these taste so good?" I exclaim taking another bite.

„I have absolutely no clue but it's amazing" Eggsy answered smiling at me. „Here you have a bit of pastry" he reached towards my lip and rubs the pastry off.

„Oh- thank you" I smile sheepishly and look down. „We should head back" I say and he nods.

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