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Cassie's POV

Eggsy quickly reacts and holds his ring to Charlie's neck, zapping him and I punch him in the face making him fall to the ground.
I jump over the railing, following Eggsy.
We run through the corridors, and dodge the bullets that are being fired by Valentine's Guards.

"Take a left, two guards up ahead" Merlin tells us.

Eggsy swerves to the ground and makes the first guard fall to the floor while I jump towards the other guard and put him into an arm lock and shoot the other guards as I roll over. I throw a gun to Eggsy and me continue running along the corridors.

"Straight ahead, then right. There's two more."

I kick off against the wall and launch myself at one of the guards, wrapping my thighs around his neck I swerve forwards making him fall back, I shoot him in the head and roll off and shoot another guard.

"Next left, down the narrow tunnel"

I run behind Eggsy and I kick off the wall just to see Eggsy doing the same thing. Due to him also doing that I had to jump even higher, my heel coming into straight contact with a guards head as I land. I wedge my heel out of his head and look back at Eggsy who looked pretty impressed.

We continue running and shooting guards with style. The Satellite explodes "Nice! Well done the three of you!" Merlin cheers.

"Yes Well done Rox!" Eggsy congratulates.

"Good girl Rox" I laugh, running beside Eggsy. We arrive at the tunnel entrance and see guards in front of it, they turn around and get ready to shoot at us but Merlin is quicker and shoots them as we run towards him. I cover my head as I run over to the plane, Eggsy right behind me.
I fall into one of the seats, breathing heavily. Running in heels is absolutely exhausting.

"Let's get the fuck out of here!" Eggsy spoke fully out of breath.

"We can't. I can't get into Valentine's machine bruv, he's got biometric security. You're gonna have to get in there and make sure his hand never touches that desk." Merlin says giving us an apologetic glance.

"Are you takin' the fucking piss?" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air.

"I'm afraid im not."

I get back up and tighten my ponytail.
Eggsy points towards the machine gun Merlin is holding "Let's have that then"
Merlin swats away his hand "Uh-uh. This is mine. I'll show you yours."

We follow Merlin to the back of the plane, I grab my expandable baton and a thigh holster. I take two daggers and strap them to my tight along with my baton. Eggsy chose the Umbrella.

"Good choice" Merlin looks between us.

I quickly grab a pair of comfortable boots and put them on. There was no way im hell I was going back out there with heels.

Merlin nods at us "Go"

We run back to Valentine when we hear Merlin "Oh, shit! Valentine's using someone else's satellite. He's going to reconnect the chain. It's going to take him no time at all. It's at twenty percent!"

I run faster and we slide along the floor "Cassie, Eggsy, it seems Valentine's got a present for you. Get a move on!" Merlin shouts.

Bullets were fired and Eggsy opened up the Umbrella shielding us from the bullets. I grabbed one pf my daggers and aimed it at one of the guards, the dagger soars through the sky and straight into the guards eye.

Another guard came with a bigger gun and shot two holes into the Umbrella, Eggsy quickly took his hand grenade and threw it towards the guards.

We run through the corridor but end up getting surrounded by a bunch of guards. Eggsy pulls me back and hold me against a door. We we're absolutely fucked.

"Merlin we're fucked" Eggsy told him.

"As am I" was the response we got. I looked over at Eggsy and gave him a quick kiss. "Incase it's the last one" I told him.

He gripped my hand tightly and spoke through the earpiece "They're coming at us from both sides, I'm out of options. Rox, Rox, I need a favour. Call my mum. Tell her to lock herself away from Dean, and the baby... and... tell her I love her."

I suddenly got an Idea "Merlin, remember those implants you said were of no use to us? Any chance you can turn them on?" I question.

After a minute we hear a muffled 'Yes please' and all of the guards heads explode. A cap flys past my face, my eyes are wide I let out a laugh.

"That is fucking spectacular!" Merlin shouts.

"Cassie,Merlin you're fucking geniuses!" Eggsy exclaims kissing me. There was banging against the door we stood in front of. "What the fuck is happening out there?" a voice yelled.

I open the hatch of the door to see a beautiful woman standing there.
"Aren't you that princess that went missing?" I question, tilting my head to the side.

"Can you get me out?" she asked me with pleading eyes.

"Well if I do, will you give me a kiss? I've always wanted to kiss a princess." I smirk jokingly.

"If you get me out right now, I'll give you more than just a kiss." she tells me.

I look at Eggsy who has a slightly jealous look on his face, I roll my eyes and go to unlock the door when we heard Valentine's voice over the speakers.

"You motherfuckers. Did you really think I was stupid enough to implant one of those things in my own head? What are you, fucking crazy? All those innocent people killed, and for what? You didn't stop shit!" he yelled.

"Cassie,Eggsy, the signal's started! Get Valentine's hand off that bloody desk now!"
Merlin yells.

I give the Princess one last wink and follow Eggsy to the main room. I take my gun and start shooting at the glass room that Valentine and Gazelle were standing in.

Suddenly she bursts through the glass and starts fighting us. I grab my dagger and throw it at her but it only cuts her am. She comes running at me and I jump up and place my hands on her shoulders before doing a cartwheel over her. I take my baton and swish my hand out to make it extend. Eggsy shot at her but she dodged the bullets and ran towards him. I whacked my baton over her head which made her stumble a bit before turning around and pushing my forcefully against the wall.

Eggsy ends up cutting her with his blade from his shoe, Gazelle falls to the ground, her entire body turning green as she slowly dies.

Eggsy pulls off one of Gazelle's legs and hurls it towards Valentine, impaling him which deactivates the signal.

"Well done Cassie and Eggsy!" Merlin says

I get up from the floor and walk towards Valentine "What's up man? Is this the part where you say some really bad pun?"

I crouch down next to him "Well, it's like you said to Harry. This ain't that kind of movie" I feel a hand on my shoulder and I stand up and lean against Eggsy.

"Perfect." Valentine mumbles before he stops breathing.

Me and Eggsy make our way towards the cells hand in hand.

"Merlin how do I open this thing?" I ask

"Twenty-six, Twenty-five" he answers, I type in the code and Tilde rushes out and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Go to the plane at the entrance hall" I tell her and she nods. I smirk at Eggsy and pull him into the cell.

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