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Cassie's POV

I stood next to Harry on the balcony, he held a tablet and was controlling the car that Eggsy had stolen after her failed his final test. I was disappointed but I understood why he didn't do it, I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't noticed the light weight of the gun.

The car arrived and Eggsy threw open the door and threw us an angry look. I followed Harry downstairs as he shouted „You throw away your biggest opportunity over a fucking dog. And then you humiliate me by stealing my boss's car."

Eggsy glances at both of us with anger in his eyes „You shot a dog just to get a fucking job." he yells.

„Yes we did" I spoke up looking at him but he avoided my gaze.

Harry walks towards the bathroom and points toward his old dog „ And Mr. Pickle here reminds me of that every time I take a shit." he spoke through gritted teeth.

„You shot your dog and had it stuffed? You fucking freak." Eggsy looked disgusted.

Harry shook his head and explained „No, I shot my dog, and then I brought him home and continued to care for him for the next 11 years until he died of pancreatitis."

Eggsy looked confused „What?"

„It was a blank, Eggsy" I tell him

„It was a fucking blank. Remember Amelia?" Harry asks.

Eggsy nods and Harry continues „ She didn't drown. She works in our tech department in Berlin; she's fine. Limits must be tested. A Kingsman only condones the risking of a life to save another."

„Like my dad saved your life even though your fuck-up cost his. Or have you got him stuffed here and all?" Eggsy spat.

Harry looks down with a sad expression „Can't you see that everything I've done has been about trying to repay him?"

Harry's glasses start to beep, he puts them on and Merlin spoke „Harry, listen to this. Valentine's at last saying something of note"

I can't properly make out everything that Valentine is saying but in the end Harry's eyes widen „South Glade Mission Church. Merlin, get the plane ready" he voiced.

Eggsy had an apologetic look on his face and started „ Harry, I'm so sorry. I'm gonna do ev..." though Harry interrupted him „You should be. You just stay right there. I'll sort this mess out when I get back"

„Cassie darling, please keep him out of trouble, I'll be back soon I promise" Harry says and he gives me a quick kiss on the head before making his way out.

When Harry was gone Eggsy sighed „I was such an asshole to him"

I looked up at him „Yeah, yeah you were" I let out a small laugh.

From the corner of my eye I saw Eggsy look at me weirdly „What do I-" but I didn't get to finish because he leaned in and kissed me. The kiss only lasted a few seconds and when he pulled back he immediately started apologising but I just kissed him back.

When I pulled back I saw him smirking, his cheeks tinted red „God you don't know for how long I've wanted to do that" he said.

I let out a short laugh and pulled him back into a kiss.

We were sat in front of Harry's laptop and saw him sitting in a church. Our hands were intervened and Eggsy kept glancing over to me every few seconds.

Harry got up and started walking towards the door and that was when I got that feeling again, that something was about to happen. But this time it was a very bad feeling.

A woman was shouting at Harry and following him and that's when all hell broke loose. Harry pulled out his gun and shot the woman in the head, every church member plus Harry started killing each other.

„Holy Fuck!" Eggsy exclaims

„Oh my god!" I shout

Eggsy gripped my hand tighter as Harry continued killing the people. When Harry had killed the last person, he seemed to come back to his senses. He looked confused and slightly scared. He made his way out of the church and saw Valentine.

„What did you do to me? I had no control. I killed all those people. I wanted to." Harry spoke slowly.

„Clever, isn't it? In simple terms, it's a neurological wave that triggers the centers of aggression and switches off inhibitors." Valentine replied.

I looked towards Eggsy, my eyes wide.

Harry spoke again „Transmitted through your nasty, free SIM cards, I assume."

Valentine laughed „Do you know what this is like? It's like those old movies we both love. Now I'm gonna tell you my whole plan, and then I'm gonna come up with some absurd and convoluted way to kill you, and you'll find an equally convoluted way to escape."

Harry nodded „Sounds good to me"

Valentines smile dropped instantly „Well this ain't that kind of movie" he takes out a gun and shoots Harry straight in the head.

I let out a scream and feel my heart shatter. Harry was dead. My father was dead and he wouldn't ever come back.

I felt Eggsy wrap him arms around me and he pulled me close as I continued thrashing around and screaming, hot tears streaming down my face.

„No.. No! H-he can't be gone. God please no" I whimpered as Eggsy held me in his arms.

„I'm sorry Cass, god I'm so sorry" I heard Eggsy whisper as I continued to cry.

„M-my dad is gone, he's just gone Eggsy. He promised! He fucking promised he'd come back!" I screamed, my vision blurry from my tears.

„I know Cass, I'm so sorry"

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