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"Okay so you want me to go in there, get him released and then convince him to go with me?" I question, looking toward Harry.

"Yes that's the plan"

"Alright" I shrug.

I open the car door and make my way up towards the police station. I make a few arrangements and then thank the sweet woman for helping me. She just gives me a shy smile back as I wink at her

I sit in a chair waiting for Eggsy when I hear footsteps approaching. My head snaps up as I see him walking straight past me. Getting up quickly I make my way towards him.

"Uh- Eggsy?" I ask tapping him on the shoulder. He turns around with a confused look on his face.

"Who are you?" he questions, in quite a rude manner may I add.

"I'm Cassie aka the person who got you released" I smile sheepishly extending my hand.

He hesitates before shaking my hand.
"Why would you get me released?"

"Well I was wondering if we could talk?" I ask giving him a signature Cassie smirk which no one could resist.

"Uh- yeah sure" he stammers, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck

"Great follow me" I smile making my way towards the door before looking back and seeing he hadn't moved at all

"Well come on now, we don't have all day" I laugh, which makes him flush red as he follows me

I see Harry standing on the steps, making my way towards him I give a quick glance back at Eggsy

"Eggsy" he greets him "Would you like a lift home?"

Eggsy stops and looks at Harry weirdly before asking the same question he asked me in an even ruder tone

"The person who got you released" Harry answered. Making Eggsy eye me suspiciously.

"That ain't an answer" he retorts

"A little gratitude would be nice"

"My names Harry Hart, and I gave you that medal" Harry says "Your father saved my life"


Sitting in one of the sticky leather seats at the Black Prince pub I felt uncomfortable. Not because the seat was basically falling apart but because I felt like something was about to happen. I often got that feeling, wether It was just going to rain or if someone was going to die, I'd know. Well obviously not what would happen I'd just know that something would happen. Anyways, I sipped on my cherry coke as I tuned out on Harry's and Eggsy's conversation. And that's when I heard the bell of the door chime.

"What the fuck you doing here? You takin' the piss?" a loud voice shouted

In came a group of guys, all looking well pissed off.

"Some more examples of young men who simply need a silver suppository?" questioned Harry taking a sip of his Guiness

"No they're exceptions." Eggsy said getting up "Come on" he added

Someone else spoke this time, I couldn't even look in their direction, they reeked of cigarettes and cheap alcohol.

"After you nicked his car, Dean says you're fair game. He don't give a shit what your mum says." the guy spat looking at Eggsy

Harry looked at me and then back to the group "Um, listen, boys. I've had a rather emotional day, so whatever your beef with Eggsy is, and I'm sure it's well-founded, I'd appreciate it enormously if you could just leave us in peace until I finish this lovely pint of Guinness." he suggested motioning to his glass.

"You should stay out of the way Granddad, or you'll get hurt and all." Rottweiler sniggered, he then looked at me , an ugly smirk forming "You too princess" he added, I just scoffed

"He ain't joking. You both should go" said Eggsy giving me a concerned look. Harry sighed and stood up glancing over to me. I just shook my head and kept sipping my drink.

"Excuse me, Excuse me" Harry pushed through the group making his way to the door. Eggsy looks at me with fear in his eyes, I just give him a playful smile.

" If you're looking for another rent boy, they're on the corner of Smith Street." one of them sniggers making other laugh with him.

Harry stops in front of the door and starts locking it.

"Manners... Maketh... Man." Harry spoke up.
I let out a small chuckle getting ready for what he was about to do.

"Do you know what that means?" Nobody answers. "Then let me teach you a lesson."

With the hook of his umbrella, he grabs a glass and swings it at Rottweiler's head and knocks him out.

Harry spoke up "Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to fight.

As they start to fight I see Eggsy about to stand up, I grab his hand and said "Let him handle it" a smile plastering my face as I look into his eyes

From the corner of my eye I see Rottweiler grab a gun from his waistband and pointing it towards Harry

"Harry, gun!" I shout making him act quickly as he uses the Umbrella to deflect the bullets

I see the pub owner reach for the phone to call the police and I quickly take my watch and set it to 'amnesia' , I shoot the dart at his neck and he fell unconscious dropping the phone in the process.

"Thank you Cassie" Harry said as he touched my shoulder, he then turned to Eggsy "Sorry about that. Needed to let off a little steam. I heard yesterday a friend of mine died. He knew your father too, actually. Now, I do apologize, Eggsy. I shouldn't have done this in front of you."

I hold up my wrist again and aim for his neck when Eggsy spoke up "No, please, I won't say nothing. I swear-- if there's one thing I can do, it's keep my mouth shut."

"You won't tell a Soul?"

"Ask the Feds. I've never grassed anyone up."

"Is that a promise?" I question him furrowing me eyebrows

"On my life!" Eggsy exclaimed

I look over at Harry who nods and I lower my arm. "Much appreciated, Eggsy. You're right about the snobs. But there too, there are exceptions. Best of luck with everything"

I grab my purse from the seat and give Eggsy a wink as I make my way out of the pub with Harry.

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