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Third Person

Cassie was leaning against her car waiting in front of an apartment complex in which Eggsy lived in. Harry had told her to pick him up and bring him to the Kingsman Tailor Shop.

Meanwhile with Eggsy, he was being pushed against the fridge by Dean, who did not look happy.

"You listen to me! I want to know who you was with in that pub. Do you understand? I want to know their fucking names! Because I swear I'll rip your head off. Tell me!" shouts Dean, getting ahold of Eggsy's throat.

"I don't know what you're fucking on

"Tell me!"

"Just tell him Eggsy!" his mother Michelle screams, tears running down her face

Dean grabs a knife pushing Michelle away and holding it towards Eggsy.

"Fuck off, Fuck off Michelle!"

"I could kill you right now, and no one in the whole world will notice!" Dean yells putting the knife against Eggsy's cheek

Finally Harry speaks up through the speaker "But I would. I have enough evidence on your activities to have you locked up for the rest of your life, Mr. Dean Anthony Baker."

"What the fuck?!" Exclaims Dean dropping the knife to the floor

"So I suggest you leave the boy alone, or I shall be forced to deliver it to the appropriate authorities. Eggsy, there's a car waiting for you outside."

Cassie heard shouting coming from the top apartments, when she looked she saw Eggsy doing some seriously impressive parkour down the way to get away from Rottweiler and his gang.

A smile plastered his face when he saw Cassie in front of him "Well come on" she smirked as she opened the door and got into the driver's seat.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Eggsy spoke up "Thanks- uh for giving me a lift"

Cassie smiled and glanced at him "Didn't really have a choice" she laughed and Eggsy turned red

"Y-yeah uh- right 'course" he stammered. Eggsy had no clue why he was so nervous, perhaps because he was about to go in to a really fancy tailor shop or because he was talking to Cassie.
Yeah it was definitely because he was talking to Cassie.

"Here we are" she said as she stopped the car in front of the tailor shop. Both headed inside, seeing Harry sitting on the expensive leather couch with a drink in his hand.

"I've never met a tailor before but I know you ain't one" joked Eggsy

"Come on" Cassie motioned to the back room . They stood in front of a big mirror, Cassie waiting for Harry's speech that she had heard all those years ago.

"What do you see?" Harry questioned Eggsy

Eggsy gave a chuckle and responded "Someone who wants to know what the fuck is going on"

"I see a young man with potential. A young man who is loyal, who can do as he's asked, and who wants to do something good with his life. Did you see the film Trading Places?" Harry looked at Eggsy waiting for his answer


"How about Nikita" Cassie inquired and Eggsy shakes his head making Harry sigh

"Pretty Woman??" Cassie try's again but Eggsy just looks at her in confusion

"All right. My point is, that the lack of a silver spoon has set you on a certain path, but you needn't stay on it. If you're prepared to adapt and learn, you can transform." he told Eggsy

"Oh like in My Fair Lady" Eggsy voiced making Cassie chuckle
"Well you're full of surprises" she laughed looking at him. She saw him flush red before he turned around to Harry.

" Yes, like My Fair Lady. Only, in this case, I'm offering you the opportunity to become a Kingsman." Harry declared in a serious tone

"A Tailor?" questioned Eggsy

"A Kingsman Agent" Cassie quipped in

"Like a Spy?"

"Of sorts, Interested?" Harry said, making Eggsy reply with "You think I've got anything to lose?"

Harry places his hand on the mirror which activates the elevator, taking them to the secret tunnel, Cassie took a seat in one of the chairs getting ready for the long and boring history story Harry was about to tell Eggsy.

"Since 1849, Kingsman tailors have clothed the world's most powerful individuals. By 1919, a great number of them had lost their heirs to World War I. That meant a lot of money going uninherited, and a lot of powerful men with a desire to preserve peace and protect life. Our founders realized that they could channel that wealth and influence for the greater good. And so began our other venture. An independent, international intelligence agency operating at the highest level of discretion. Above the politics and bureaucracy that undermine the integrity of government-run spy organizations. The suit is a modern gentleman's armor, and the Kingsman agents are the new knights." he informed Eggsy, as the elevator brought them further down.

"How deep does this fucking thing go?"

"Deep Enough" Cassie answered getting up from the Chair and taking out her Tablet from her purse.

As they reach the bottom of the tunnel there's a shuttle waiting for them to take them to the country side.

Cassie takes a seat and goes through her last mission report. She looked at the video of her fighting the men. She felt someone staring at her, she looked up and saw Eggsy staring at her before quickly looking at the floor, clearly embarrassed being caught staring.

When they arrive Harry swears "Shit, we're late." They get off the shuttle and walk towards the training rooms, walking past the massive station holding planes, cars, etc. Eggsy stops and looks out of the window in awe.

"Your father had the same look on his face." Harry interjected. He then looked at me with a smile and added " As did I , and Cassie as well."

"Come on before Merlin strangles us to death" Cassie said walking away, both men following her.

They walk through a corridor where they see Merlin waiting.

"Galahad, Elaine" Merlin nods at them

"Our code names" Cassie whispered into Eggsy's ear.

"Late again" Merlin observed, giving them a look of disappointment.

"Good Luck" Cassie and Harry tell Eggsy As he makes his way into the room.

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