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How the hell were you even put in this situation?

After hanging out with you, Taehyung told Hoseok how you felt about missing the group. Hoseok decided to invite you out with Namjoon and Yoongi on a so called "date." Chaeyoung decided to tag along since she didn't have work today. Hoseok was happy to hear that. You were surprised he didn't have any hard feelings, but then again, it's Hoseok we're talking about.

The five of you were out having dinner together. Hoseok was craving kimchi jjigae, so that's what the five of you ate together. However, Namjoon wanted jjajangmyeon and Yoongi wanted japchae but the two didn't complain. In the end, they were enjoying the meal as much as you were.

"Hoseok," you start. You look down bashfully. "I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. The scene I caused at your kickback was so embarrassing."

Hoseok clicks his tongue in annoyance, "Didn't you tell this kid to not apologize?"

Yoongi leans back in his seat and crosses his arms, "Why are you talking to me like I'm younger than you?"

"You should have sent me to do it." Namjoon laughs.

Yoongi smiles, "Just kidding. Yeah, I told her. Guess it went in one ear and out the other."

"Hey!" You laugh.

"I'm sorry too." Chaeyoung frowns. "That was uncalled for, and I know being drunk isn't an excuse. I hope you accept my apology."

"You know how I'll accept both of your apologies?" Hoseok asks.

You and Chaeyoung look at one another, and you look back at Hoseok. "What?" You ask.

"Enjoy your meal, and then come back to my place. We'll all have some fun together!" He chuckles.

Chaeyoung goes under the table and squishes your thigh playfully. You smack her as you laugh, "Stop that."

She comes close to whisper in your ear, "Wonder what fun he means. Dude, I call dibs on Yoongi."

"I heard that." Yoongi clears his throat.

"Heard what?" Chaeyoung says innocently. "I was asking her about girl stuff. Being on the cycle, y'know?"

"Dude," Hoseok smacks Yoongi. "Don't listen in. It's their personal things."

"Wha-? Okay fine, I'll act like I didn't just hear that. I got my eyes on both of you though." Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"What are we gonna do at your place, anyway?" You question.

Hoseok shrugs, "You'll see."

  The rest of your "dinner date" with the three boys comes down to making fun of how the two of you can't fight for shit. Yoongi laughs at how you pulled on Momo's hair. Hoseok laughs at how Chaeyoung was literally dragged and looked like a rag doll.

  "Dude! Namjoon moving the fucking table! I can't!" Hoseok holds his stomach as tears roll down his eyes.

  "It's an expensive table! I'm looking out for your pockets bro!" Defends Namjoon, mouth full of food.

  Yoongi laughs, "You all looked like children throwing a tantrum and pulling each other's hair!"

You can't help laughing yourself, "I kept up a good fight!"

"Yeah, for a preschooler!" Hoseok cackles.

Namjoon begins to choke on his food from laughing too hard. Hoseok and Yoongi help him while he's choking, but you all laugh. Thankfully, he was fine. However, you got a few strange looks from the people around you. Dumb kids in their twenties causing commotion in public wouldn't make anyone happy.

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