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If you stay silent, you make it worse.

If you say an awkward answer, you make it worse.

If you brush it off, oh Jesus...

All you know is that you're frozen. You don't want to make Jin feel bad. You don't want a strain on your relationship. You don't want the worst case scenario. Those are your thoughts in a single second.

Say something.

Say something.

Say something.

"How long have you been...y'know?" You ask.

"Hmm," Jin hums. "I can't exactly pinpoint it. There was just one day where I was like, 'Oh shit, I think I'm in love with her.' Obviously I didn't want to pursue anything because well, you were dating Jungkook. It made me feel guilty, and I feel selfish even now."

  "Now? Why now?" You tilt your head.

  He chuckles, "Oh (Y/n), you're too innocent. Why would I pursue you when you're still healing? When the wound is still too fresh?"

  "I don't remember how long it's been." You say.

  "But you still think about Jungkook, don't you? Of course you would, Jungkook is your first love after all." He sighs.

  "Jungkook was also the first person to introduce me into a toxic cycle." You frown.

  "If I were to pursue anything with you, I'd like you to be healed. To not feel anxious. To be happy and only think of me. However, I know that can't happen right now. So I can wait if you decide to reciprocate my feelings." He says.

  "So if I don't, you'll just experience unrequited love? At least fight for it." You mumble.

  "Why would I fight for someone who's thinking about someone else? If you never move on, then it looks like I'll have to." He raises his voice a bit.

  "Seokjin, I'm sorry." Your voice is small.

  He shakes his head, "I should've never opened my mouth. I'm sorry I just placed this on your shoulders. Brush it off if you have to because I sure as hell will."

  "I need a bit more time. I'm not completely turning you down, but I'll give you an answer. I promise it won't be long. However, I don't want this to ruin our relationship." You say.

  Jin looks away. It's quiet, and it feels like all you could hear is your own breathing. That is, until you hear a small sniffle. Then came a hard swallow.

  Jin looks down a bit teary eyed, "How could it not be ruined after I opened my mouth? Of course it'll be awkward knowing I'm in love with you. What if you don't come to me anymore, thinking I have ulterior motives? And what if I do have ulterior motives? I have the right to be a little selfish don't I?"

You can't come up with anything to answer. "I'm sorry." Is the only thing that slips from your mouth.

You go in for a hug, and Jin hugs you back tightly. You both burry your faces in each other's shoulders. It's a strange embrace. It doesn't feel warm. It feels sad.

He kisses the side of your temple. It's sweet, just like Jin. You kiss his cheek. You don't know if it was out of pity. You feel guilty the minute you do it. Jin is like a rabbit, and you're the carrot that's dangled above him that he can't reach.

Jin however knows that the kiss didn't mean anything deeper than a random act. Maybe it was pity? However, he didn't want to dwell too deep into it. He just wanted to stay like this. He wish he could turn back time and cherish the times you two were in deep embrace. However, most times were when you were crying over Jungkook. Maybe he shouldn't think that way. How selfish of him, he thought.

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