Awkward silence.

That's how you would describe the ride home with Seokjin. He didn't even try to look at you at you were still quietly sobbing and sniffling into the sleeve of your cardigan. The radio was low, and droplets of rain were softly hitting the car as you drove by the city. You usually hated talking when it came to coming back home since you enjoyed the scenery of the city, but right now you felt like you needed to talk to Jin.

  It upset you how he treated you like a stranger. He acted as if this car the both of you were in didn't share fun and happy memories between you two. You didn't understand what you did wrong. Maybe it was the fact you poured your feelings on him that made him uncomfortable.

  "I ruined Hoseok's kickback." You tried breaking the silence. Your voice was still shaky, but you wiped your snot and your tears off your face to compose yourself.

  He didn't respond, and he kept his eyes on the road. You sighed heavily, causing the window you were looking out of to fog up. What was his problem?

  "I saw that you were talking to Jisoo. She's real nice. Are you two a thing?" You asked.

  "No." He mumbled.

  "Oh wow, you can talk." You joked as you inhaled from your stuffy nose.

  He didn't even crack a smile. God, if you really did anything to Jin, it'd probably take you to be on your knees begging for him to be your friend again. He didn't look annoyed at you. He just looked blank and just treated you like he didn't know you.

  "I'm sorry, Jin." You whispered.

  He turned his head as he was at a stop light, "For?"

  "If I made you feel uncomfortable that night," you started. You looked down at your thighs as tears fell down your face. "I'm sorry I poured my feelings on you. It must've put a huge burden on your shoulders."

  "Hey, you don't have to cry or apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." He reassured.

  "Then why have you been avoiding me?" You asked.

  He inhaled sharply, "I've been just dealing with some personal things. I was talking to Jisoo about my feelings about someone, and she made me understand that pushing people away isn't good. I'm sorry I've been avoiding you for so long."

  "Feelings about someone?" You asked.

  "Ah, don't worry about it." He pulled into a nearby coffee shop. He quickly parked his car. "Do you want anything? Hot chocolate?"

  "Hot chocolate sounds nice." You smiled.

  "Alright, cool. I'll be right back." He finally gave you a warm smile.

  He came back in about fifteen minutes later. He handed you the warm drink in your hands. "Thanks, I'll pay you back later."

  "Ah, don't worry. It's my treat." He smiled.

  You frowned, "You're driving me home and buying me a drink. At least let me give you some money for gas."

  "My car is fine," he handed you a napkin. "Here, you can repay me by cleaning yourself up a bit. You're a mess."

  You looked in the mirror of the car, and wiped your gross snot of your face. You blowed your nose and crumpled it in your hand. "I'm gonna go inside and throw this away."

  He held out his hand, "Here."

  "Ew, no Jin. This is full of my gross, sad boogers." You protested.

  "You're a gross, sad booger. Give me your trash, you brat." He demanded.

  You wrapped your dirtied napkin in a clean one, so he'd be able to hold it. You placed it in his hand and he quickly ran inside to throw away the paper. He got back in his car where you were sipping away at your drink.

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