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As you tiredly walked out of your room, you saw Jungkook passed out on the couch. He had his phone in his hand as an Overwatch gameplay was playing on his phone. His upper body was laying on the couch which meant he was sideways as his feet were planted on the floor. You scrunched your nose while looking at him because you could imagine how uncomfortable he felt. He looked like a bent straw, yet he didn't seem to care.

You went up to him and grabbed his phone to turn it off which in return caused the video to stop. It would've been silent, but Jungkook was lightly snoring. You had always loved looking at him while he slept, but now wasn't the time. You needed to transfer him from the couch to the bed you both shared.

"Kook," you nudged him, but he wouldn't budge. "Jungkook, baby." You said softly, and he had groaned annoyedly at your attempt to wake him up.


"Jungkook, come on." You begged.

"I'm tired...wait." His voice was raspy and slow.

You lifted an eyebrow in confusion as you wondered what time it was. You lifted yourself up from the couch, and you headed towards your room. You moved the curtains, and it was pitch black.

Wait, what?

You went back to the living room to see Jungkook, who had finally put his entire body properly on the couch and was curled up since he was too tall to fit his long body. He was half asleep and mumbled, "Too long...tired..got late."

  You checked the time on your own phone, "It's barely midnight."

  "Yeah," he responded. "But I stayed up last night because I made you cry about what happened with Jimin. I felt pretty guilty, so I just watched your pretty face sleep all night."

  You felt guilty for being the reason why he didn't sleep, "I...I'm sorry Jungkook."

  "It's fine, really." His sleepiness began to wear off a bit, but he was still planning on going straight to bed. He yawned, and put his fist to his nose which was a strange yet cute habit he had when yawning.

  You pulled his arms, "Ready to go to bed?"

  He smiled and sat up, "At this point, I'm ready to go into a coma."

  You playfully hit his chest, "You sound like Yoongi."

  He got up and grabbed his phone. He held your hand and dragged you into the bedroom you both shared. He let go of you, put his phone on the nightstand by your bed, and threw himself on the right side of the bed. He kicked off his shoes, and he wiggled himself in the white blanket. He slowly removed his clothing under the sheets and had only left his undergarments on.

"You lied to me, (Y/n)." He said softly. "You forgot to take care of me."

  You began to get rid of your clothes as well, but you only left your underwear and a comfortable sports bra on. "I'm sorry. The research took too long, and I had to start to write things down. At least I'm almost done."

  He scooted over a bit, so you you could slip in next to him. "Yeah, that's cool." He mumbled.

"Are you upset, Kook?" You asked.

  "Well...no." He said quietly.

  You got in bed, "Jungkook, don't lie." You played with his hair and he pouted.

  "What do you want me to say? That I'm sad that we didn't have sex? I sound like a hormonal, horny, high school kid. I'm not saying that because it'd hurt my pride." He said.

  You laughed, "Well, you just said it."

He smacked his forehead with his palm, "I just damaged the little pride I had."

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