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Three weeks had passed instead of two. You felt bad that you had to extend your stay at Jin's, but he didn't mind your company at all. Rather, Jin offered you to stay even longer, but you couldn't. Especially since your stuff was still at Jungkook's. It just felt wrong.

You called up Taehyung to possibly help you with the rest of your things at Jungkook's, but he said he couldn't since he and Jungkook were still on bad terms. It made sense, but you still needed someone to help. Your new roommate couldn't. She was at work at the moment. You were too embarrassed to call Hoseok because you assumed he was still upset with you. You couldn't call Namjoon either. He was always busy with something.

  Your two choices were either Jimin or Yoongi. You didn't call Jimin for obvious reasons. If you saw him, you'd probably lash out on him. Your only choice was Yoongi. You were lucky enough for Yoongi to even pickup the phone and agree to help you out.

  He met up with you at Jungkook's. The two of you were waiting outside the front door, waiting for Jungkook to open up soon. "Damn, what's taking him so long?"

You shrug, "He texted saying that the house was a bit of a mess. I guess he's trying to clean up real fast."

As you hand Yoongi a cardboard box, he raises an eyebrow. "You guys still text each other? You guys are on good terms?" He asks.

"Well we're not calling each other horrible names over text and threatening each other, so I guess? But also, I don't text him because I want to. I just need to pack my stuff, and then we could go on our separate ways." You respond.

Yoongi just hums in response. He looks down at the box, "So it's just a few of your things, and that's all? You don't have any furniture to take with you?"

You shake your head, "No. Mostly everything belongs to Jungkook, and I would feel weird taking some of the furniture."

Before Yoongi could respond, the door opening caught both of your attention. Jungkook wiped a bit of sweat from his forehead and smiled, "Sorry for the wait. You could come in."

You gave him an awkward smile, but Yoongi went in with no problem. He greeted Jungkook with a hug and asked how he was doing. You, on the other hand, went straight into your old room. You begin to dig into your old vanity and remove all the makeup from the drawers and put them in the box neatly and carefully.

Yoongi soon comes in, and he puts your perfumes in a smaller box very gently. "Oh I forgot to tell you. Hoseok isn't mad at either of you, y'know. I just wanted to let you know that." He says out of nowhere.

You smile, "That's reassuring. I'll make sure to call him and still apologize."

Yoongi shakes his head, "Nah, you don't need to. He understands what happened. You're all good, kid." He tapes up the box, and he labels it with big letters. "You should probably call Jimin. He feels pretty bad. He calls me every other night to talk about what happened."

You raised your eyebrows from what you just heard. Damn, Jimin must feel horrible. "I'll think about it. Maybe I'll do it later or something."

  "Do it as soon as possible. That kid's guilt is eating him alive, and he hasn't been the same recently." He responds as he gets up. He heads to his car to place the box in his car.

  While Yoongi is gone, you put what's on top of your vanity in the same box. You grab your jewelry box that was given to you as a gift from your mother. It was a soft, pink velvet box. It held all of your jewelry that you owned. Especially the ones that Jungkook gave you.

  You looked through the small box. It was filled with rings, necklaces, and earrings. You dig through the jewelry box to realize something is missing. Panic seems to seep into your bloodstream at that very moment. The necklace that was gifted to you by your late grandmother was gone.

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