You sat down in between both Jungkook and Jimin as you all watched the television. You all shared a small blanket along with a bowl of fresh fruit. Jungkook wasn't paying any attention since he was on his phone. You and Jimin were keeping your eyes glued to the television.

"Five dollars that she's gonna die." You told him.

He looked at you, "You're not down." He scoffed.

"Bet." You gave him a determined look.

"Fine. We'll just see then." He responded.

After a while, you began to rest your head on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin didn't mind at all actually. In fact, he found it really comfortable. The both of you enjoyed the fresh fruit even more being in this position, and the two of you would crack a joke every now and then.

Next to you, Jungkook began to grow curious to why the two of you were laughing. Plus, he started to crave the fresh fruit the two of you were sharing. He took his eyes off his own screen and looked over.

And he was not happy.

He furrowed his eyebrows, and he grabbed your wrist that was on top of Jimin's stomach. He pulled you away lightly, trying not to make a big deal out of everything. He put you in a similar position you and Jimin were in, and he wrapped his arm around you unlike Jimin.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

He shrugged nonchalantly, "Just like you cuddling with me. Plus, I also wanted some fruit."

He kissed your forehead gently, and grabbed some fruit. He looked at Jimin who was looking away, and he clenched his jaw tightly before eating. He raised his eyebrow and smirked before pulling you in closer.

He, himself, didn't understand why he was getting so boiled up. He was thinking about it in his head. I mean, he technically cheated on you last night along with lying to your face. He just stared down at you and shrugged it off.

You looked over at Jimin who was shifting uncomfortably in his seat. You then looked back at Jungkook who was casually watching the movie. You looked down, instantly feeling the awkward atmosphere.

  "Hey uh, I gotta go." Jimin said quietly.

  Jungkook laughed, "Dude the movie's getting good! Why don't you stay?"

  "Nah man, I just remembered that I have stuff to do. Just watch it with (Y/n)." He responded before getting up.

  You removed yourself from Jungkook and stood up, "I'll walk you outside."

  Jimin looked at Jungkook and then looked back at you, "No, it's fine. It's a little chilly outside anyway."

  You made a saddened expression with your eyebrows, "What about the bet?"

  Jimin patted your head gently, "We didn't shake on it. Just text me about it, kay?"

  You nodded and Jimin waited for Jungkook to say something, but Jungkook purposely ignored his older friend. Jimin whispered a goodbye to you and quickly left before you could even breathe out a word.

  You turned around, "How do you know if the movies getting good if you haven't been paying attention?"

  "I watched it before?" He looked down at his screen once more.

  "Are you going to watch it with me?" You made your way to sit next to him.

  "No. I watched it already. Can't you listen?" He responded sternly.

  "Then why the hell did you shoo Jimin away? He was interested unlike you." You snapped back.

  He scoffed, "What? You like Jimin better than me?"

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