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  The banging continues, and you even hear Jungkook kicking the door with all his strength. You were sure to get some sort of complaint later. God, but that didn't matter right now. What mattered was that Jungkook had the rage of the goddamn devil himself, and his target was currently next to you.

You quickly get up, "Go in the bathroom and lock the door!"

Jimin shakes his head, "What the fuck am I?! A pussy?! No! He needs to know the truth!"

You close the window by your couch, and you hear Jungkook shout again. "Open this fucking door, so I can kick your ass again, Park!"

  "Get in the fucking bathroom, Jimin!" You shrieked.

  Jimin looks at you with wide eyes, mirroring your own. Your eyes were wide, you almost looked insane. You were that afraid of the two of them fighting again. He goes as he's told, only for your sake.

  After you hear a click from the bathroom, you decide to let the wild beast inside your home. You were always the best at calming him down. Why would things be different now. Before letting Jungkook in, you decided to text Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jin. Just in case things get ugly, and they can rush over.

  You unlock the door, and it flings open, almost smacking you in the face. Jungkook passes by you, "Where the fuck is he?!"

You shut the door. You grab his shoulder to turn him around, "Jungkook, calm down!"

His closed fist comes into contact with your chest. He opens it, and something falls from is palm. You catch it, and recognize the jewelry. "To think I was nice enough to return this."

He's fuming. He's furious. He's pissed. He's angry. He's mad. He's seething. He's vexed. He's livid. He's enraged.

Fuck, he's everything!

You could tell from his body language how pissed he is. He's huffing out his breaths. His chest rising and falling. His face is red with anger. You practically see his fingers twitch and his hands turn into fists, craving to make contact with Jimin's face. He has a maniac like smile. Jesus, he looked like a complete madman.

But you notice his eyes. His eyes were watering. They looked completely different from what his body said. He scoffs and looks down as he notices your long stare at him.

He was hurt, and his eyes gave away the truth.


"Shut up!" He yells which startled you. He looks up, "Is what he said true?"

"..I don't know because I can't remember." You meekly admitted.

Jungkook lets out a dry chuckle, and he throws himself on the couch, "Right."

"If I did remember, I would've told you." Your voice was small.

"Whatever." He shakes his head.

"Jungkook I seriously didn't know." You try to defend yourself. You're standing in front of him, and he's looking down at his feet.

  "How? What the fuck kind of excuse is that?" He finally looks up at you, tears streaming down his face.

  "I just—I was drunk. I was really drunk. I was upset at the business party, so I wanted to forget." You frown.

  Jungkook's eyes widen, "So he took advantage of you?"

  You shake your head quickly, "We didn't have sex! Jimin said we almost did!"

He shrugs, "Well that still doesn't change much." He wipes his tears.

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