Your P.O.V

You waited in the car for Jungkook to come out of your home as you made a quick few touch ups in his car. You looked at your reflection in your small compact mirror to look at your makeup. It was a bit more dramatic and heavier than you usually wore. You could practically feel your skin screaming under the pounds of makeup you had on, but you were still proud on how it turned out.

Your eyeshadow was a soft caramel on the crease of your eyes and heavy umber placed on the outer v of your eyes. The gold on your lids gave your eyes a pop of color along with the shimmering silver in the inner corner of your eyes. You fixed your eyelashes, and you tried not ruining your eyeliner that took you about twenty minutes. You put on clear glittery lipgloss for the thousandth time before putting it back in your small quilted bag along with your mirror.

Jungkook quickly came in the car and started it. He put on his seatbelt as he spoke, "You look great, babe."

You smiled softly, "You do too."

His outfit was simple, but it made him look put together from how attractive he was. He wore a navy blue dress shirt that was tucked into some black dress pants along with some shiny black cap-toe dress shoes. He had his hair styled like it usually was when he went out. He wore his small silver hoop earrings that anyone would practically see him wearing all the time. You insisted he shouldn't wear them because you thought it wasn't professional. His argument was that Jimin wore earrings all the time, so it's not fair that he can't wear them while Jimin could.

"I'm glad the weather is starting to get a little better. I didn't really want to wear a jacket or anything." He commented casually as he drove.

  "Yeah. It was pretty chilly when I went to the mall the other day. The weather has been pretty crazy lately." You responded.

Jungkook looked at you quickly before focusing back on the road. He had to do a double take because of a shiny object that was wrapped around your neck. It caught his eye because he'd never seen you wear it, and he definitely never gave you something like that. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Cute choker, baby. Where'd you get it?"

You turned your gaze from the window to Jungkook. You raised your eyebrow as you touched your neck to remember what you had on. "Oh! It was just a gift from Taehyung."

"A gift?" He questioned.

"He told me it was meant for his sister, but she didn't want it. He ended up giving it to me." You explained.

Jungkook hummed in response. He seemed rather jealous. "He decided to give you an expensive choker?"

You shrugged, "I don't know how much it was. He just insisted on me taking it."

Jungkook knew much more about expensive name brands than you did. He grew up with money, so he liked wearing expensive brands in his years in high school. You, on the other hand, had only two designer bags that were gifted to you from your parents hard work before meeting Jungkook. You only knew the basic name brands that snobby rich people would buy while Jungkook probably knew millions.

He smiled as he quickly turned his head to you, "It looks great. I'll thank him next time I see him.

It had taken about thirty five minutes to get to the party. You first expected it to be in a nice venue, but to your surprise it was in someone's home. It looked like a mansion, but Jungkook informed you that it was just a large home. You saw a bunch of expensive cars which made you understand that the guests in the home were loaded. You didn't pay attention to anything the last business party you attended.

  You got out of the car and adjusted your dress. You saw a bunch of men and women getting out of their cars. Jungkook's car looked like it belonged with the other cars that were parked here rather than back home.

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