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  You stare longingly at the white tiger lilies in the small flower shop you currently work at. It had been a month and a half since the incident. You don't remember much at all. Everyone was surrounding you, but Chaeyoung was the one holding your weak body as she cried and threw curses at the boys when you awoke. Screaming at the top of her lungs for them to leave and get out.

  She had probably walked into the scene on accident. She most likely didn't mean half of those words she said. They were also her friends after all, but she specifically had a soft spot for you. You guys are high school friends after all.

  After that night, Chaeyoung came up with rules for the tiny apartment you both shared. They weren't typical rules roommates come up with. You thought they were weird, but you had to take her feelings into consideration. The rules consisted of:

     1. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung are not allowed over under any circumstances. (Together or separate, it doesn't matter)

    2. If the boys want to speak to you here at home, (Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, or Hoseok) they must ask Chaeyoung. They must speak to you one at a time.

     3. If one of the boys that aren't allowed wants to speak to you at home, you must let Chaeyoung know. Since they can't come over, you will have to meet at another set location with said person. Or you can have one of them over without her knowing.

  You couldn't put too much stress on Chaeyoung. You've put her through enough already. You couldn't act selfish or impulsive, or she'd get a heart attack any day now. It felt like you were a burden on her shoulders sometimes. Maybe you shouldn't have asked her to move in with you.

The small dew drops fall off the tiger lilies, and you sigh and put your head down. Things surely have gone downhill. You tried to stay positive, but you've been gloomy since that night. You tended to sulk like any other person does, but you noticed how your whole attitude has completely changed since all that chaos.

  "Maybe I'm the problem." You sigh.

  You didn't even hear when the bell that belonged to the door ring when a customer enters. It was an old couple entered the shop. You only noticed them when the old man's wife was blushing and giggling as her husband whispered sweet nothings in her ear. They were in their own little world, completely in love. You couldn't help but give a small smile to them.

  Oh, to be an old married couple in love...

  "Miss," the old man calls out. "Can you help me choose some flowers for my dear wife."

  "Certainly," You quickly walk away from the register. You head towards their way. You look towards his wife, "Is there anything in particular you would like? Any favorite colors?"

  She places her index finger to her wrinkled chin. She shakes her head, "Oh my, I have no idea. I don't have anything in mind, dear. I just wanted some flowers for our dining room. It's our wedding anniversary!"

  You notice how excited and full of life she was unlike you. Even though you were gloomy, you tried your best to sound a bit happy. You look at the abundance of flowers in front of you. "Well roses are cliché don't you think? May I recommend red carnations? They represent new love."

  The man lets out a hardy chuckle, "Miss, we've probably been married longer than you have been on this planet!"

  "I couldn't help but notice how passionate you two are. It seems like you two are on your first date." You smile.

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