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  That's how your legs felt like. Jello. Your body feels heavy. Your mind is floating. You can't think straight. Your words are incoherent.

  Chaeyoung is a bit more sober than you are. She decides to stop drinking in case you're unable to walk to bed. She loves the stupid tangents you go on when you're drunk. She loves that you're roommates.

  You two had a day off work tomorrow. You got lucky since tomorrow is Friday. Instead of going out and getting drunk after work, you two decided to watch bad romcom movies, take shots, drink some wine, and eat snacks. You would do that on your own or with Jin. Jin had work, so Chaeyoung was happy enough to join you. She also preferred to stay in these days.

  "Should I just...get into hookups? I'm unloveable man." You're upside down on the couch.

  Chaeyoung snickers, "You're loveable, stupid. You dumbass, you got four guys chasing after you, and you want to participate in hookup culture?"

  "What?" You sit up. "Elaborate."

  "Jungkook. That's obvious. Jimin. Mega obvious. Taehyung literally gave you an expensive choker. Brand name. Man basically gave you a collar. It's kinda hot but if you're not into the whole possession thing, I get it. Lastly, Jin. Jin is always there for you." She lists off her fingers.

  "So I should fuck all of them?" You grumble.

  "I am not opposed to the idea." She laughs.

  "I love them all though. I can't do that." You sigh.

  "That's true. You're all on good terms...somewhat." She purses her lips.

  "Exactly. Yoongi also said that I'm the problem, so I'm trying to stay in my lane. I don't wanna fuck up their friendship." You admit.

"Man, fuck Yoongi." Chaeyoung groans.

"I don't wanna fuck Yoongi." You say.

She snorts, "No stupid, Yoongi's opinion can go to hell. If their friendship ends over a girl, then it wasn't strong enough to begin with."

"Do I just...go on dates with them?" You ask.

"Yes! Get to know them better. Jungkook should be last on the list since you guys recently broke up. I say go in this order, Jin, Tae, Jimin, and then Jungkook." She suggests.

You nod, "Like some bachelorette type shit."

  "Some bachelorette type shit." She repeats.

  "Lemme text Jin." You giggle.

  "Wait until you're sober." She suggests.

  You shake your head, "Nope. I'm gonna bitch out if I'm sober. There! Sent."

  You don't remember what you texted Jin. What you know, is that you texted him. Chaeyoung's suggestion was right. You should have waited until you were sober. The following day, you were mortified to see what you texted. You were even more mortified as to what Jin texted back.

      [1:57am] Heyyyy sexyyyy you tryeing 2 go out l8r???? ;)

      [9:23am] Um? Was this meant for me?

"Oh my fucking god..." You whisper in horror. "Do I tell him it was just a joke? I was joking. Jin knows I joke."

      [12:16pm] Jin oh my god ignore the first part but do you still wanna go out?

  Chaeyoung was in the middle of eating some yogurt as she walked in your room, "You're finally awake!"

  "Look what the hell I texted this man." You groan as you toss the phone to the edge of your bed.

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