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  "Going out again?"

  You sat comfortably on the black leather couch. The leather was warming up as the coolness from the couch was being sucked up by your own skin. Your hair was up in a very messy bun. The only thing you had on was a pair of black underwear and an old sweater that had always been forgotten.

  He ignored you completely. He didn't care if you complained. It didn't, wouldn't, stop him in any chance. He continued to get ready right in front of you. He finally buttoned up the last button on his black shirt, and he grabbed the car keys when he finished.

After examining what he was doing, you took you nail out of your mouth, "Where are y-"

"I'm just going out with Jimin. God, why do you have to ask so many questions?"

"I ask so many questions because I'm your girlfriend," you walked towards him to hand him his small device. In the process, you hugged his figure and leaned in for a small kiss. "I worry about you, Jungkook."

He looked at you in complete disgust and pushed you off, "If you're my girlfriend, then start looking like it. I wouldn't go out with you looking like that."

Jungkook always had that problem. He never thought before he spoke. It hurt every time he would say something that would offend you. You'd always feel bad for things that were so simple, and he would make them complicated as if the world was about to fall.

"You're right. Maybe I shouldn't be your girlfriend, Jungkook." You said.

"Baby...I didn't mean it in that way."

Here it goes again..

He pulled you closely and kissed your forehead. In these moments, you wanted it to be like this all the time. You wanted him to just stay like this. Be like this. Always treat you like this. Unfortunately, he'd only do this to calm you down or not wanting to start an argument because it was "his night out." You just couldn't ruin it by being a worried girlfriend, now could you?

Yet, you fell for it every single time. It was like he'd cast a spell on you every time this would happen. His sweet words would linger in your mind and would always make you feel a certain way. One way or the other. You were like his puppet as he pulled on each string. He was something you could never let go even if you wanted too.

"It's okay, Jungkook. Have fun with Jimin. Also, tell him I said hi." You told him softly.

"Alright, baby. Stay safe. I'll be back soon." He said.

You don't remember how your fights with Jungkook started. It was like a a broken house. It started off as okay, but now everything is slowly crumbling.

You and Jungkook's relationship started as something innocent. You both bumped into each other in the library of the high school that held so many memories. He was a senior at the time while you were a junior. He seemed so stressed out the day you met him that he dropped all of his things. You helped him with his folders, books, papers, everything he had, and you started to have a small conversation about chickens. He was so confused on why you just said "Yeah, it sucks that chickens can't fly." You remember laughing and telling him that it was a trick to get his mind off on whatever he was thinking about. He thanked you, but you never got his name when he left.

Slowly, you started going more to the library to see the cute guy that remembered you as the "chicken girl." He was always quietly studying in the same old corner every Tuesday and Thursday. You eventually got the guts to sit next to him and just read. You would bring in snacks even though you weren't allowed to in the calm environment, but you both quietly shared. He finally got your name and number, and you got the same things in return.

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