Jungkook's P.O.V

  Seokju smiled, "I knew Jimin wasn't gonna spill anything, so I decided to take action on my own."

  "What action are you talking about now?" I asked.

He pushed back his gray hair before talking, "Wow Jeon, are you as stupid as you look? Actually, don't answer that. I'm talking about what happened at the club." He hissed.

"I already told (Y/n), Seokju." I responded.

He smiled bitterly, "Really? I guess I'm gonna ask her."

I cleared my throat, "She's doing an essay. You out of all people know how easily distracted she gets, don't you?" I mirrored his smile.

  "Yeah, it'd be a bummer for her to get all distracted over all those tears, and she'll have the fact that you cheated on her in her mind. It might motivate her to do better, don't you think?" He said.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Don't get involved in our relationship."

  "Listen Jungkook, all of this bullshit aside, you know what you did wasn't right." He frowned.

  "I was under the influence of alcohol. You know how us guys can get?" I responded.

Man that was a shitty response..

"I mean I know but-"

"Listen, you want (Y/n) to be really happy, right? She's practically like a sister to you." I said.

"Yeah, but this isn't right." He looked at me with a mixture of distress and anger.

I then remembered something "special" about Seokju, "You do think money makes the world go round, right?"

He furrowed his dark straight eyebrows before licking his pink lips, "Uh, yeah?"

I knew how much this idiot just adored money. Other people's addictions were drugs or alcohol, maybe even gambling. Oh no, but Seokju's ridiculous "addiction" was just to spend money on himself. (Y/n) has even said how annoying he could get when it comes to money.

I pulled out out my wallet, "Man, I wonder what you want to get your hands on Seokju?"

He gasped quietly, "A-Are you trying to bribe me? This isn't rig-"

"Four hundred to keep your mouth shut."

I looked at his eyes staring at my wallet and he bit his lip, "Seven hundred. Take it or leave it."

I smiled, "Seven hundred it is. I don't think you want to make it any higher though."

He raised a brow, "What do you mean?"

I came closer to him and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder to seem almost friendly, "Gotta lot of resources, what can I say? You don't want me telling your father about all that money he's missing from that hardworking company of his, don't you? No wonder he doesn't trust you with money as much. It sure does make you money hungry."

"Who the hell told you that?" He snapped.

"Oh no, Seokju. It's not just that, buddy! What about that girlfriend yours who you're secretly supporting due to her having your baby? That little girl of yours sure is a cute kid by the way! I think she's got your eyes." I grinned as I knew what he was hiding from everyone. "I have a lot of things up my sleeve about your reputation if you slip up on me. We don't want that now, do we?" I asked

"No, we don't." He replied coldly.

"Babygirl's done something similar to me. Let's just call it a little payback, eh? The difference? I was drunk, and I'm pretty she wasn't. I didn't want to tell her anything because I love her. You, of all people, know how much she loves me, right?" I smiled as the lie slipped through my teeth.

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