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  Hoseok passes Namjoon a bottle of water, "Jin said no drinking in case we have to break up a fight."

  Namjoon looks towards Jin. He raises a thumbs up, "Good thinking."

  "Yeah, like always." Jin chuckles.

  "Now where do we begin." Yoongi clicks his tongue.

  "So, are any of you going to speak?" Jungkook looks at Taehyung and Jimin.

  Jimin shrugs, "You opened your mouth first. You should."

  "Hey, watch how you fucking speak to people." Jungkook spits.

"Typical." Chaeyoung mutters.

You give her a warning look. You didn't want her to stir anything up or insert herself into their situation. It was between them. Any prodding, one of them was bound to lash out.

  "Wait before anyone talks, do we still have to be handcuffed?" Nayeon looks at Hoseok.

"You guys aren't going to kill each other?" He points at you girls.

"No! Of course not! We'll go to your room and talk things out. Plan our date together too!" Momo whines.

"Chaeyoung you have to tell me what lip color you're wearing and what perfume you have on!" Nayeon bounces.

Jin comes over and lets the three girls go. He comes up to you, and you sigh in happiness. "Oh, thank god!" You beam.

He lets your right wrist go free, but he leads you closer. He quickly grabs the right side of Jimin's handcuffs, and places it on your right wrist. The circle has become tighter. Not only that, it's become smaller. The boys are closer.

  "Just kidding!" Jin sticks out his tongue.

  "Wait, what?!" You want to chase after Jin and kick him, but the chains stop you.

  "Aw, let (Y/n) go!" Chaeyoung frowns.

  Yoongi points at you, "Not to be a dick, but lets be real here. You're the reason they've been trying to murder each other."

  "Yoongi." Namjoon says sternly.

  He shrugs, "It's true. Anyone with goddamn eyes and a brain could see it. I'm not saying it's her fault, but she's part of the reason."

  "Shut up," Jungkook grimaces. "If anyones to blame, it's me."

  "Some character development." Chaeyoung whispers.

  Momo laughs and pushes Chaeyoung playfully. Hoseok shakes his head, "I'll handcuff you back in there."

  She raises her hands in defense, "Sorry."

  "You all deserve an apology really. It's so embarrassing what I did here. Fighting like I'm in high school. Solving my problems with violence. I look back and think...holy shit, y'know?" Jungkook tussles with his hair and heavily exhales.

  Everyone slowly shakes their head, acknowledging his speech. It was true, Jungkook has always been some hotheaded beast. Poke him, he's bound to attack. Jungkook has always resorted to violence before speaking. You've had to witness some of his fights back in high school and even times you went out drinking with him.

  "Most of all, now that I'm somewhat level headed, you deserve the biggest apology," Jungkook turns towards you. He rubs his forehead out of embarrassment and genuine sadness. "(Y/n), I know we should be doing this in private, but I'm really sorry. I knew what I was doing, getting that girls number, getting hickeys, and kissing her. I really am sorry. There's no excuse. I'm also sorry for letting Momo dance on me. Being drunk is never an excuse. I hope you can accept my apology."

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