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I woke to a loud knock on my door. "Uhh!" I groaned as I slowly rolled out of my bed, and push myself off the ground. I lazily ran my hand through my long blonde hair.

I stumbled out of my room and across the living room in my black shorts and white T-shirt. 'This better be fucking important!' I thought as I swung my door open. What greeted me shocked me to my very bones. There standing in the door was a boy about my age covered in scraps, bruises, and what looked like blood.

"Hay, how you been!?" He questioned, before he fell into a blissful sleep. Before his body could hit the ground I had stepped forward and caught him in my arms. 'Who is this guy, and what happened to him?!' I practically yelled in my head.

I picked the boy up, onto my shoulder and carried him to the guest room and laied him down, and started to clean and bandage his wounds.

About an hour later I sighed to myself as I washed my hands of the boys blood. I dried my hands and threw the rag into the landry. As I stepped out of my bathroom I glanced at the boy laying in bed and sighed again. "What happened to you?" I muttered as I took off my blood stained shirt and throw it on the floor.

I sighed again and walked back to the side of the bed and tried to get the blood out of his hair. After a few minutes I had decided that was his actual hair color.

I walked into my living room, sighed, and plopped down onto the couch and closed my eyes. 'I sure do sigh a lot.' I think as I ran my hand through my hair.

'I wonder what happened to him. Hmm maybe he was attacked by a demon or something.' I thought with a goofy grin covering my face. There was a knock on my door that shocked me out of my childish giggling. I slowly walked to the door warily, I never got more then one visitor a night.

By the time I got to the door the person on the other side of the door was yelling for me to hurry the hell up. I slowly turned the door knob and peeked throught the crack, what I saw shocked me to my very core. Standing at my door step was a tall muscular boy about my age, with white hair and cold gray eyes. His name was Zero.......something, I never could remember his last name.

"What the fuck are you doing here asshole?" I yelled as I threw the door open with one of the few true smiles I've ever had. Zero took a step forward and thumped me on the forehead and said, "A fifteen year old kid like you shouldn't be talking like that! And as to what I'm doing here, I'm looking for a new pet!" He pushed past me as I was rubbing my forehead. "And why in the nine circles of hell would you come to my house you fucknugget!?" I growled as I followed him taword the guest bedroom.

"Just thought I would stop bye and say hi! So uh hi...I guess." He said as he opened the door to the guestroom, he looked around for a couple of seconds before his eyes fell soully on the redhead in the bed. "And who the flying fuck is this you fuck face?!" Zero suddenly yelled as he spun around. He slowly inch toward me, demanding an answer.

I shrugged lazily and slowly replied, "I haven't the slightest idea!" His eyes narrowed into slits as he took another step towards me. "You sure bro? "He questioned me.

'Wait is he doughting me, who the fuck is he to bought me?!' I shouted in my head and glared at him. "And why the fuck would I lie to you about some guy I just meet!?" I demanded as I stood to my full height and got in his face. He didn't even flinch but he did seem to hesitate a little. "I don't know maybe because you keep to many secrets from the boss!" He yelled just as angry as me.

"Well there are certain things that he doesn't need to know! I have a right to keep secrets as do you and the boss, do you honestly think he ever tells any of us the complete truth!? Cause if so your a special kind of retard!" I ranted and pushed him back but I didn't stop there. "Out of all the jobs he's ever gave you, how many of them haven't had some form of twist! Huh...can't answer that can you?! So if I want to keep secrets from the boss you can bet your ass I sure as hell will!"

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