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Leo's P.O.V.

It had need twenty four hours and I was currently looking through what felt like the hundredth cave that day. The monk hadn't been lying when, he said this mountain was covered in caves. Its like they were in some kind of pattern, one I didn't care to figure out.

The mountain and most of the caves were covered in a thin layer of snow. Though it was thin it was still a pain in the ass, as it was very slick at times. That wasn't the worst part though, because the entire mountain was littered with monsters. None were very strong really, just very irritating.

An icy wind blew past my ears causing me to shiver and thank God that I was a werewolf. Anything else and I'd be a popsicle right now. As I walked into another fucking cave I growled. The air smelled strongly of strawberries and blood, a smell I had learned to love. The smell was quite nice truth be told, but most wouldn't see it that way.

Slowly I walked through the cave, watching for any sigh of a trap or ambush. Thankfully nothing came, but that smell still hung in the air. This caused me to get a little worried, not because I didn't want to fight. But because I didn't want to take the chance of reopening my wounds. That stuff Shiro had given me had only worked on my broken bones, so all the cuts were still very tender.

I grumbled as two figures came into view. Standing twenty yards ahead of me were Mira and the one called Ox. In front of them was some kind of pedestal with a jade dragon sitting on top of it. Silently I watched the two converse from my spot. "It's pretty, but its not what we're here for!" Mira grumbled as Ox picked up the large peace of jade.

"I know, but what if we need it later?" The one called Ox asked as he tried and failed to give Mira the puppy dog look. That was a little weird, but not the weirdest thing I've seen. Mira's body stiffened as her eyes hardened when he gave her that look. "Shut up and put it back!" Mira growled as she turned away in anger. This caused the one called Ox to pout and slowly put the statue back down.

I smirked as I stood straight and walked out from where I was hiding. 'Now's as good as any time to take it!' I thought as Mira and Ox tensened up. Before anyone could speak I burst forward and stopped right in front of the one called Ox and grabbed the front of his shirt. With one quick jerk I had thrown him behind me and trust my left hand into Mira's stomach sending her crashing into the cave wall.

Slowly I stepped forward and laied my hand on the jade dragon. As I began to lift the dragon I felt magic energy start to flow into the ground. It worked its way into the walls behind the downed Mira and soon the sealing of the cave. Thinking that was all that was going to happen I quickly placed the statue in my bag and started to head for the exit. Before I had made it four steps the ground in front of me shot up all the way to the sealing, blocking my path. "Okay I'll go the other way!" I said as I swung around on my heal to leave, however, the cave had been closed off that way as well.

"Fine brute force it is! Lightning Style: Destroy!"  I grumbled as lightning fired forward at the wall with enough force to destroy the whole mountain. As the attack hit I figured that the walls and just about everything else would be gone, however, that wasn't the case. Standing there as if nothing had happened was the stone wall, with not even a single scratch on it.

"Don't tell me we're stuck in here!" Someone growled from my left, causing me to turn my head in surprise. There Mira sat against the wall, holding her left shoulder with her right hand. "Oh I forgot you were here, but yes it seems that way!" I said in a growl as I sat on my ass in agrivation. If my magic couldn't destroy these walls then what could. I know my fist aren't up to it at the moment, hell I'm pretty sure I reopened a couple of wounds already. Maybe if I used Mira as a battering ram I'd be able to break through. No that wouldn't work, but it could be very comforting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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