Battle Among Ferinds

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A/N: Just a quick thanks to those that have read this far, and I hope you're enjoying the story!

Now, on with the story!

Zero's P.O.V.

It's been two weeks cense the epic ass wiping that Leo gave me, and for some reason I really haven't seen the basterd cense. The only person who has is Mira and she always comes back on the verge of tears. I swear if he's being a jackass for no reason I'll kill him myself.

Where the fuck could he be? I've checked the usual places but he isn't ever at any of them. Maybe I could ask Mira, yeah she might tell me! Although it's unlikely, its the only thing I got. "But, where do I find her?" I mumbled, not noticing that there was someone beside me. So it came to me as a shock when someone spoke. In fact it was such a shock that I turned around and knocked the shit out of the person.

"Aw, fuck man! What the fuck, I just wanted to know what you were talking about damn!" The person yelled from the floor. I sighed as I noticed it was just Jake, but he didn't seem to happy though. I stuck my hand out with a sheepish look planted firmly on my face. "Hey, sorry dickhead! You should've said something sooner!" I said as I helped him to his feet while he was rubbing his left check.

"Damn, that hurt man. So what the hell were you saying?" He asked with a small grin. How the he'll dose someone just change emotions like that? Damn that grin creeps me the fuck out, oh God he's still going it. If he doesn't stop I'm gonna knock the shot out of him again. Ah, what the fuck I might as well tell him. "Okay I'll tell but on one conduction." I growled as his grin never left his face.

"What is it, tell me!" He almost yelled as he grabbed a hold of my shirt. I grabbed his wrists and yanked his hands of. "Stop with that stupid fucking grin!" I growled as I shock him violently. After a few yells of 'fine' and 'just let me go' I finally let him go.

"Alright, so back to what I was saying, I wanted to know where Mira was you dick!" I said as I turned and sat back down. He jumped back in surprised, but quickly recovered and sat down. "Oh, well the last I saw of her she was going into her room! She didn't seem to happy either." Jake said as he looked away.

"Well let's go get her!" I practically yelled as I stood up and yanked him out of his seat and drug him all the way to her room. "Hey, let me go I can walk, ya know!?" He yelled the whole time.

As we came to a stop outside of Mira's door I finally let him stand. "That really hurt you basterd, why the fuck didn't you just let me walk on my own!?" Jake yelled as he brushed himself off with a pissed off look directed toward me. "Will you two stop arguing like an old married couple!?" She demanded, a fire slowly growing in her eyes.

Jake and I suddenly found ourselves wrapped in the others arms, nodding so fast that I'm sure our heads looked like blurs. "Good, now what do you two want?" She growled. Her hair was everywhere as if she hasn't brushed it in a week. She had dark bags under her puffy red eyes.

"Um....well we w-were just wondering if you uh had seen Leo?" Jake stuttered out. I silently sent out my respect to him. If that had been me, I would've passed out. Her face suddenly softened as she told us to give her a minute. As she walked out sent looked at us and grumbled a short 'let's go' and we were off.

Leo's P.O.V.

I solemnly sat against the cold stone of the cave I was currently taking refuge in. I had been here for almost two weeks now, and I still haven't been able to face anyone but Mira. I get like this every time the company's have one of the yearly competition's.

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